Lecture 2: Linear Algebra


  • Review of Linear Algebra
  • Gaussian Elimination and LU Factorization
  • Cholesky decomposition
  • Matrix calculus and Mean/Var optimization
  • Norm and condition

Review of Linear Algebra


  • Is a set of elements, which can be real or complex:

$$ \renewcommand{bs}{\boldsymbol} \begin{matrix} \bs u = \left( \begin{matrix} u_1 \\ u_2 \\ \vdots \\ u_n \end{matrix} \right) \hspace{2cm} \bs v = \left( \begin{matrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \\ \vdots \\ v_n \end{matrix} \right) \end{matrix} $$

Basic vector operations

  • Vector addition: $\bs{w = u + v}$
  • Scalar multiplication: $\bs w = a \bs u$, where $a$ is a scalar


  • column vector: $\bs {u, v, x, \beta}$
  • row vector: $\bs u^T, \bs v^T, \bs x^T, \bs \beta^T$
  • scalar: $a, b, \alpha, \beta$
  • matrix: $A, B, P$

Vector addition

  • Associativity: $\bs{u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w}$
  • Cumutativity: $\bs{u + v = v + u}$
  • Identity: $\bs{v + 0 = v}$ for $\forall \bs{v}$
  • Inverse: for $\forall \bs{v}$, exists an $-\bs{v}$, so that $\bs{v + (-v) = 0}$
  • Distributivity: $a \bs{(u + v)} = a \bs{u} + a \bs v, (a+b) \bs v = a \bs v + b \bs v$

Scalar multiplication

  • Associativity: $a(b \bs v) = (ab)\bs v$
  • Identity: $1 \bs v = \bs v$, for $\forall \bs v$

Vector space $\Omega$

  • a collection of vectors that can be added and multiplied by scalars.

Vector subspace

  • a subset of the vector space $\Omega' \subset \Omega$ that is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication

Linear combination

  • $\bs v = a_1 \bs v_1 + a_2 \bs v_2 + ... + a_n \bs v_n$
  • Linear combinations of vectors form a subspace $\Omega_v = \text{span}(\bs{v_1, v_2, ... v_n}) \subset \Omega$
  • Linear independence: $\bs {v = 0} \iff a_k = 0$ for $\forall k$
  • Basis: any set of linearly independent $\bs v_i$ that spans $\Omega_v$
  • Dimension of $\Omega_v$ is the number of vectors in (any of) its basis

Inner product

  • $\langle \bs u, a \bs v_1 + b \bs v_2 \rangle = a \langle \bs{u, v_1} \rangle + b \langle \bs{u, v_2} \rangle$
  • $\langle \bs{u, v} \rangle = \langle \bs{v, u} \rangle^c$
  • $\langle \bs{u, u} \rangle \ge 0$
  • $\langle \bs{u, u} \rangle = 0 \iff u = 0$
  • $\bs {u, v}$ othogonal if $\langle \bs{u, v} \rangle = 0$

Dot product

  • the standard inner product: $\bs{u \cdot v} = \sum_{k=1}^n u_k^c v_k$
  • the magnitude of a vector $\bs b$ is $\vert b \vert = \sqrt{\bs b \cdot \bs b}$
  • the projection of vector $\bs a$ to the direction of vector $\bs b$ is: $ a_1 = \frac{\bs a \cdot \bs b}{\vert b \vert} = \vert \bs a \vert \cos(\theta) $


  • Represents a linear response to multiple input factors:

$$ \overset{\text{Outputs}}{\longleftarrow}\overset{\downarrow \text{Inputs}} {\begin{pmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & . & a_{1n} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} & . & a_{2n} \\ . & . & . & \\ a_{m1} & a_{m2} & . & a_{mn} \end{pmatrix}} $$

  • Matrix addition and scalar multiplication are element wise, similar to those for vectors

Matrix multiplication

$$\begin{array} \\ \bs u = A \bs v &\iff u_i = \sum_{j=1}^{n} a_{ij}v_j \\ C = AB &\iff c_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^{n} a_{ik}b_{kj} = a_i \cdot b_j \end{array}$$

Matrix represents linear transformation

Linear function on vectors:

  • $L(\bs{u + v}) = L(\bs u) + L(\bs v)$
  • $L(a \bs v) = a L(\bs v)$

Any linear transformation bewteen finite dimensional vector space can be represented by a matrix multiplication, therefore we can write $L \bs u$ instead of $L(\bs u)$.

Properties of linear transformation

  • Associativity: $A(BC) = (AB)C$
  • Distributivity:
    • $A(B+C) = AB + AC$
    • $(B+C)A = BA + CA$
    • $\alpha (A+B) = \alpha A + \alpha B$
  • But not commutative: $AB \ne BA$

Matrix definitions

  • Identity matrix $I$: $I A = A I = A$
  • $A^T$ is the transpose of $A$: $a^T_{ij} = a_{ji}$
  • Symmetric matrix: $A = A^T$
  • $A^*$ is the adjoint of $A$: $a^*_{ij} = a_{ji}^c$
    • real matrix: $A^T = A^*$
    • self-adjoint (Hermitian) matrix: $A = A^*$
  • Inverse matrix: $AA^{-1} = A^{-1}A = I$
  • Orthogonal matrix: $A^T = A^{-1} \iff AA^T = I$

Gaussian Elimination and LU Factorization

Linear system

  • In matrix form, a linear system is $A \bs {x = y}$
  • It has a unique solution if $A$ is a full rank square matrix
In [2]:
%pylab inline
lecture = 2

import fmt
import sympy as sp
from IPython.display import display

sp.init_printing(use_latex = True)
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [3]:
a = sp.Matrix([[2, 1, -1], [-6, -2, 4], [-2, 1, 2]])
y = sp.Matrix([8, -22, -3])
X = sp.MatrixSymbol('x', 3, 1)
x1, x2, x3 = sp.symbols('x_1, x_2, x_3')
x = sp.Matrix([x1, x2, x3])
fmt.displayMath(a, fmt.joinMath('=', x, y), sep="", pre="\\small ")
$$\small \left(\begin{matrix}2 & 1 & -1\\-6 & -2 & 4\\-2 & 1 & 2\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}x_{1}\\x_{2}\\x_{3}\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}8\\-22\\-3\end{matrix}\right)$$

Gaussian elimination

Eliminate the $x_1$ terms using the first row, this operation is a linear transformation:

In [4]:
A = sp.MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 3)
L1 = sp.MatrixSymbol('L_1', 3, 3)
L2 = sp.MatrixSymbol('L_2', 3, 3)
l1 = sp.eye(3)
l1[1, 0] = -a[1, 0]/a[0, 0]
l1[2, 0] = -a[2, 0]/a[0, 0]

fmt.displayMath(L1*a, fmt.joinMath('=', x, L1*y), "\;,\;\;", l1*a, fmt.joinMath('=', x, l1*y), sep="", pre="\\small ")
$$\small L_{1} \left(\begin{matrix}2 & 1 & -1\\-6 & -2 & 4\\-2 & 1 & 2\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}x_{1}\\x_{2}\\x_{3}\end{matrix}\right)=L_{1} \left(\begin{matrix}8\\-22\\-3\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\left(\begin{matrix}2 & 1 & -1\\0 & 1 & 1\\0 & 2 & 1\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}x_{1}\\x_{2}\\x_{3}\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}8\\2\\5\end{matrix}\right)$$

Use the 2nd equation (row) to eliminate the $x_2$ terms:

In [5]:
l2 = sp.eye(3)
a2 = l1*a
y2 = l1*y
l2[2, 1] = -a2[2, 1]/a2[1, 1]
u = l2*a2
fmt.displayMath(L2*a2, fmt.joinMath('=', x, L2*y2), "\;,\;", u, fmt.joinMath('=', x, l2*y2), sep="", pre="\\small ")
$$\small L_{2} \left(\begin{matrix}2 & 1 & -1\\0 & 1 & 1\\0 & 2 & 1\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}x_{1}\\x_{2}\\x_{3}\end{matrix}\right)=L_{2} \left(\begin{matrix}8\\2\\5\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\left(\begin{matrix}2 & 1 & -1\\0 & 1 & 1\\0 & 0 & -1\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}x_{1}\\x_{2}\\x_{3}\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}8\\2\\1\end{matrix}\right)$$

the $L_1$ and $L_2$ are both lower triangular matrix

In [6]:
Ui = sp.MatrixSymbol('U^{-1}', 3, 3)
U = sp.MatrixSymbol('U', 3, 3)
L = sp.MatrixSymbol('L', 3, 3)
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', L1, l1), fmt.joinMath('=', L2, l2), fmt.joinMath('=', U, u), pre="\\small ")
$$\small L_{1}=\left(\begin{matrix}1 & 0 & 0\\3 & 1 & 0\\1 & 0 & 1\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;L_{2}=\left(\begin{matrix}1 & 0 & 0\\0 & 1 & 0\\0 & -2 & 1\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;U=\left(\begin{matrix}2 & 1 & -1\\0 & 1 & 1\\0 & 0 & -1\end{matrix}\right)$$

The resulting matrix $U = L_2L_1A$ is upper trianglar

LU factorization

The triangular matrix is easy to invert by variable replacement

In [7]:
y3 = l2*y2
a3 = l2*a2
ui = a3.inv()
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', Ui, ui), "\;,\;", fmt.joinMath('=', x, Ui), fmt.joinMath('=', l2*y2, ui*y3), sep="\;", pre="\\small ")
$$\small U^{{-1}}=\left(\begin{matrix}\frac{1}{2} & - \frac{1}{2} & -1\\0 & 1 & 1\\0 & 0 & -1\end{matrix}\right)\;\;,\;\;\left(\begin{matrix}x_{1}\\x_{2}\\x_{3}\end{matrix}\right)=U^{{-1}}\;\left(\begin{matrix}8\\2\\1\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}2\\3\\-1\end{matrix}\right)$$

Now we can group $L = L_1^{-1}L_2^{-1}$ and obtain the LU factorization

$$L_2 L_1 A = U \iff A = L_1^{-1} L_2^{-1} U \iff A = LU $$

  • $U$ is a upper triangular matrix.
  • There can be infinite numbers of LU pairs, the convention is to keep the diagonal elements of $L$ matrix 1.
In [8]:
l =  l1.inv()*l2.inv()
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', L, l), fmt.joinMath('=', U, a3), fmt.joinMath('=', L*U, l*a3), pre="\\small ")
$$\small L=\left(\begin{matrix}1 & 0 & 0\\-3 & 1 & 0\\-1 & 2 & 1\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;U=\left(\begin{matrix}2 & 1 & -1\\0 & 1 & 1\\0 & 0 & -1\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;L U=\left(\begin{matrix}2 & 1 & -1\\-6 & -2 & 4\\-2 & 1 & 2\end{matrix}\right)$$
  • The LU factorization is the matrix representation of Gaussian elimination


  • The Gaussian elimination does not work if there are 0s in the diagonal of the matrix.
  • The rows of the matrix can be permuted first, so that the diagonal elements have the greatest magnitude.

$$ A = P \cdot L \cdot U $$

where the $P$ matrix represent the row permutation.

  • The permutation (pivoting) also improve the numerical stability
In [9]:
from scipy.linalg import lu

def displayMultiple(fs) :
    tl=map(lambda tc: '$' + sp.latex(tc) + '$',fs)
    r = '''
  <table border="0"><tr>'''
    for v in tl :
        r += "<td>" + v + "</td>"
    r += "</tr></table>"
    return r

a = sp.Matrix([[0, 3, 1, 2], [4, 0, -3, 1], [-3, 1, 0, 2], [9, 2, 5, 0]])
p, l, u = map(lambda x: sp.Matrix(x), lu(a))
Pi = sp.MatrixSymbol('P^{-1}', 4, 4)
A = sp.MatrixSymbol('A', 4, 4)
P = sp.MatrixSymbol('P', 4, 4)
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', A, a), fmt.joinMath('=', P, p), pre="\\small ")
$$\small A=\left(\begin{matrix}0 & 3 & 1 & 2\\4 & 0 & -3 & 1\\-3 & 1 & 0 & 2\\9 & 2 & 5 & 0\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;P=\left(\begin{matrix}0.0 & 1.0 & 0.0 & 0.0\\0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0 & 0.0\\0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0\\1.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0\end{matrix}\right)$$
In [10]:
fmt.displayMath(sp.Eq (Pi*A, p.inv()*a), pre="\\small ")
$$\small P^{{-1}} A = \left(\begin{matrix}9.0 & 2.0 & 5.0 & 0\\0 & 3.0 & 1.0 & 2.0\\4.0 & 0 & -3.0 & 1.0\\-3.0 & 1.0 & 0 & 2.0\end{matrix}\right)$$

Complexity of numerical algorithm

Complexity of a numerical algorithm is stated in the order of magnitude, often in the big-O notation:

  • binary search $O(\log(n))$
  • best sorting algorithm: $O(n \log(n))$

Most numerical linear algebra algorithm is of complexity of $O(n^3)$

  • e.g.: the LU decomposition (why?)

Cholesky Decomposition

Symmetric positive definite Matrix

  • $V$ is positive definite if $\bs x^T V \bs x > 0$ for $\forall \bs{x \ne 0}$
  • $V$ is semi positive definite if $\bs x^T V \bs {x \ge 0}$ for $\forall \bs{x \ne 0}$
  • Semi-positive definite does not mean every element in the matrix is positive

Covariance matrix

The most important and ubiquitous matrices in quant Finance,

  • capturing the linear dependencies of random factors $\bs r = [r_1, ..., r_n]^T$
  • we use $\bar{\bs r} = \mathbb{E}[\bs r]$ to denote their expectations

$$\begin{array}{l}V &= \mathbb{E}[(\bs r - \bar{\bs r})(\bs r - \bar{\bs r})^T] = \mathbb{E}[\bs r \bs r^T] - \bar{\bs r}\bar{\bs r}^T \\ &= (\text{cov}(r_i, r_j)) = (\rho_{ij} \sigma_i \sigma_j)\end{array}$$

Covariance of linear combinations:

$$\begin{array}{l} \text{cov}(\bs x^T \bs r, \bs y^T \bs r) &= \mathbb{E}[(\bs x^T \bs r)(\bs r^T \bs y)] - \mathbb{E}[\bs x^T \bs r]\mathbb{E}[\bs r^T \bs y]\\ &= \bs x^T \mathbb{E}[\bs r \bs r^T] \bs y - \bs x^T \bar{\bs r}\bar{\bs r}^T \bs y = \bs x^T V \bs y \end{array}$$

Correlation matrix

  • $C = (\rho_{ij})$ is the co-variance matrix of the normalized factors $\bs s = [\frac{r_1}{\sigma_1}, ..., \frac{r_n}{\sigma_n}]^T$
  • $V = \bs \Sigma C \bs \Sigma $, where $\Sigma$ is a diagonal matrix of $\sigma_i$

Both covariance and correlation matrices are symmetric positive semi-definate (SPD):

  • $\bs x^T V \bs x = \text{cov}[\bs x^T \bs r, \bs x^T \bs r] = \text{var}[\bs x^T \bs r] \ge 0$

Example: weekly rprice and returns

In [11]:
import pandas as pd
f3 = pd.read_csv('data/f3.csv', parse_dates=[0]).set_index('Date').sort()

fig = figure(figsize=[12, 4])
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
f3.plot(title='Historical Prices', ax=ax1);

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
r = np.log(f3).diff()
r.plot(title='Historical Returns', ax=ax2);

Correlation and covariance matrix of weekly returns:

In [12]:
cm = r.corr()
cv = r.cov()
fmt.displayDFs(cm, cv*1e4, headers=['Correlation', 'Covariance'], fmt="4f")
SPY 1.0000 0.0321 0.4191
GLD 0.0321 1.0000 0.3011
OIL 0.4191 0.3011 1.0000
SPY 8.0432 0.2461 5.6109
GLD 0.2461 7.2876 3.8375
OIL 5.6109 3.8375 22.2823
  • Why don't we compute the correlation and covariance of the price levels?

Cholesky decomposition

If $A$ is symmetric semi positive definate (SPD) matrix

  • $A$ can be decomposed as $A = LL^T$, where $L$ is lower triangle
  • In another word, the $U = L^T$ in $A$'s LU decomposition
  • $L$ can be viewed as the "square root" of $A$

Cholesky decomposition is unique:

  • The rank is same between $L$ and $A$

The Cholesky decomposition of previous correlation matrix:

In [13]:
lcm = np.linalg.cholesky(cm)
lcv = np.linalg.cholesky(cv)
fmt.displayMath("\\small ", sp.Matrix(lcm).evalf(4), fmt.joinMath('=', sp.Matrix(lcm.T).evalf(4), sp.Matrix(lcm.dot(lcm.T)).evalf(4)), 
$$ \small \left(\begin{matrix}1.0 & 0 & 0\\0.03215 & 0.9995 & 0\\0.4191 & 0.2878 & 0.8611\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}1.0 & 0.03215 & 0.4191\\0 & 0.9995 & 0.2878\\0 & 0 & 0.8611\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}1.0 & 0.03215 & 0.4191\\0.03215 & 1.0 & 0.3011\\0.4191 & 0.3011 & 1.0\end{matrix}\right)$$

Recursive algorithm

A SPD matrix $A$ and its Choleski decomposition $L$ can be partitioned as:

In [14]:
s_A, a11, A12, A21, A22 = sp.symbols("A, a_{11} A_{21}^T A_{21} A_{22}")
s_L, s_LT, l11, L12, L12T, L22, L22T = sp.symbols("L L^T l_{11} L_{21} L_{21}^T L_{22} L_{22}^T")

A = sp.Matrix([[a11, A12], [A21, A22]])
L = sp.Matrix([[l11, 0], [L12, L22]])
LT = sp.Matrix([[l11, L12T], [0, L22T]])

fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', s_A, A), fmt.joinMath('=', s_L, L), fmt.joinMath('=', s_LT, LT))
$$ A=\left(\begin{matrix}a_{{11}} & A^{T}_{{21}}\\A_{{21}} & A_{{22}}\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;L=\left(\begin{matrix}l_{{11}} & 0\\L_{{21}} & L_{{22}}\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;L^{T}=\left(\begin{matrix}l_{{11}} & L^{T}_{{21}}\\0 & L^{T}_{{22}}\end{matrix}\right)$$

From $A = LL^T$:

In [15]:
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', A,  L*LT))
$$ \left(\begin{matrix}a_{{11}} & A^{T}_{{21}}\\A_{{21}} & A_{{22}}\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}l_{{11}}^{2} & L^{T}_{{21}} l_{{11}}\\L_{{21}} l_{{11}} & L_{{21}} L^{T}_{{21}} + L_{{22}} L^{T}_{{22}}\end{matrix}\right)$$

We immediately have:

In [16]:
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', l11, sp.sqrt(a11)), fmt.joinMath('=', L12,  A21/l11), 
                fmt.joinMath('=', A22 - L12*L12T, L22*L22T))
$$ l_{{11}}=\sqrt{a_{{11}}}\;,\;\;\;L_{{21}}=\frac{A_{{21}}}{l_{{11}}}\;,\;\;\;A_{{22}} - L_{{21}} L^{T}_{{21}}=L_{{22}} L^{T}_{{22}}$$

Note that $L_{22}$ is the Cholesky decomposition of the smaller matrix of $A_{22} - \frac{1}{a_{11}}A_{21}A_{21}^T$.

Correlated Brownian motion

Ubiquitous in quant Finance

  • The common underlying process for asset prices and other risk factors
  • The vast matjority of quant finance models are based on Brownian motions.

Steps in drawing correlated n-dimensional Geometric Brownian motion paths:

$$ \frac{dx^k_t}{x^k_t} = u^k dt + \sigma^k dw^k_t, \;\;\;\;dw_t^j\cdot dw_t^k = \rho_{jk} dt $$

  1. compute the Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix: $C = LL^T$
  2. draw a n independent normal random number vector $\bs \epsilon = (\epsilon_1, \epsilon_2, ..., \epsilon_n)^T$, these are the normalized risk factors
  3. $L\bs \epsilon$ is the correlated normal random vector, and the correlated Brownian increments is $dw_t = L\bs \epsilon\sqrt{dt}$

Simulated paths

In [17]:
e = np.random.normal(size=[3, 20000])
dw = (lcm.dot(e)).T

dws = dw*np.diag(cv)
wcm = np.exp(np.cumsum(dws, 0))

figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)

dw = (lcm.dot(e)).T
dws = dw*np.diag(cv)
wcm = np.exp(np.cumsum(dws, 0))
legend(cm.index, loc='best');
title('$L \epsilon$')

subplot(1, 2, 2)
dw2 = (lcm.T.dot(e)).T
dws2 = dw2*np.diag(cv)
wcm = np.exp(np.cumsum(dws2, 0))
legend(cm.index, loc='best');
title(('$L^T \epsilon$'));
  • The identical results can be obtained by using cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix.
  • $L \bs \epsilon$ and $L^T \bs \epsilon$ are different, which one gives back the intended correlation?
In [18]:
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.corrcoef(dws.T), columns=cm.index, index=cm.index)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.corrcoef(dws2.T), columns=cm.index, index=cm.index)

fmt.displayDFs(df1, df2, headers=['$L \epsilon$', '$L^T \epsilon$'])
$L \epsilon$$L^T \epsilon$
SPY 1 0.03515 0.4232
GLD 0.03515 1 0.2931
OIL 0.4232 0.2931 1
SPY 1 0.1354 0.3878
GLD 0.1354 1 0.2696
OIL 0.3878 0.2696 1

The resulting covariance (correlation) is: $$\mathbb{E}[L\bs \epsilon (L\bs \epsilon)^T] = \mathbb{E}[L\bs{\epsilon \epsilon}^T L^T] = LL^T = C$$

Cautions on correlation/covariance matrices

The covariance/correlation matrix are extremely useful, but they are difficult to deal with when their size grows large:

  • In practice, we often deal with thousands or tens of thousands risk factors
  • Correlation matrix is often easier to work with than the covariance matrix, because it is "normalized"
  • It is very difficult to keep a large correlation matrix semi positive definite (SPD)
    • Correlation matrix size of a few thousands is the practical limit
    • Small changes in isolated values can invalidate the whole correlation matrix
  • Cholesky decomposition often fails for large matrices due to non-SPD or numerical noise.
  • Adding new entries to a large correlation matrix can be extremely hard

Matrix Calculus and Mean/Var Optimization

Scalar function

$$f(\bs x) = f(x_1, ..., x_n)$$

  • Derivative to vector (Gradient): $\frac{\partial f}{\partial \bs x} = \nabla f = [\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1}, ..., \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_n}]$
  • Note that $\frac{\partial f}{\partial \bs x}$ is a row vector, whenever the vector or matrix appears in the denominator of differentiation, the result is transposed.

Vector function

$$\bs{ y(x) } = [y_1(\bs x), ..., y_n(\bs x)]^T$$

  • Deriative to vector (Jacobian matrix): $\frac{\partial \bs y}{\partial \bs x} = \left(\frac{\partial{y_i}}{\partial x_j}\right)$
    • $\frac{\partial \bs y}{\partial \bs x}$ is in the transpose of $\bs y$, ie, with $\bs y$ rows and $\bs x$ columns
    • $\frac{\partial \bs y}{\partial \bs x}\frac{\partial \bs x}{\partial \bs y} = I$, even when $\bs x$ and $\bs y$ have different dimension.
  • Derivative to scalar: $\frac{\partial \bs y}{\partial z} = [\frac{\partial y_1}{\partial z}, ..., \frac{\partial y_n}{\partial z}]^T$
    • remains a column vector

Vector differentiation cheatsheet

  • $A, a, b, \bs c$ are constants (ie, not functions of $\bs x$)
  • $\bs {u=u(x), v=v(x)}, y=y(\bs x)$ are functions of $\bs x$
Expression Results Special Cases
$\frac{\partial(a \bs u + b \bs v)}{\partial \bs x}$ a $\frac{\partial{\bs u}}{\partial \bs x} + b\frac{\partial{\bs v}}{\partial \bs x}$ $\frac{\partial{\bs c}}{\partial \bs x} = 0I, \frac{\partial{\bs x}}{\partial \bs x} = I$
$\frac{\partial{A \bs u}}{\partial \bs x}$ $A\frac{\partial{\bs u}}{\partial \bs x}$ $\frac{\partial{\bs A x}}{\partial \bs x} = A, \frac{\partial{\bs x^T A}}{\partial \bs x} = A^T$
$\frac{\partial{y \bs u}}{\partial \bs x}$ $y \frac{\partial{\bs u}}{\partial \bs x} + \bs u \frac{\partial{y}}{\partial \bs x}$
$\frac{\partial \bs{u}^T A \bs v}{\partial \bs x} $ $\bs u^T A \frac{\partial{\bs v}}{\partial \bs x} + \bs v^T A^T \frac{\partial{\bs u}}{\partial \bs x} $ $\frac{\partial \bs{x}^T A \bs x}{\partial \bs x} = (\bs{A + A}^T)x, \frac{\partial \bs{u^Tv}}{\partial x} =\bs{u}^T\frac{\partial \bs{v}}{\partial x} + \bs{v}^T\frac{\partial \bs{u}}{\partial x} $
$\frac{\partial{\bs g(\bs u})}{\partial \bs x}$ $\frac{\partial{\bs g}}{\partial \bs u} \frac{\partial{\bs u}}{\partial \bs x} $ chain rules of multiple steps, $\frac{\partial \bs y}{\partial \bs x}\frac{\partial \bs x}{\partial \bs y} = I$
  • Very similar expressions to univariate calculus.
  • Replace $A^T$ by $A^*$ for complex matrix

Portfolio optimization

  • Powerful mean/variance portfolio theory can be expressed succinctly using linear algebra and matrix calculus.

Suppose there are $n$ risky assets on the market, with random return vector $\tilde{\bs r}$ whose covariance matrix is $V$,

  • $\bs w$: a portfolio, its elements are dollar amounts invested in each asset
    • $\bs w^T \tilde{\bs r}$ is the portfolio's P&L in dollar amount
    • $\sigma^2 = \bs w^TV\bs w$: the variance of the portfolio P&L
  • $\bs w_b$: a benchmark portfolio, e.g. a sector index
    • $\bs \beta_b = \frac{V\bs w_b}{\sigma^2_b} $: the beta vector of individual assets to the benchmark portfolio
    • $\bs w_b^T \bs \beta_b = \frac{\bs w_b^T V\bs w_b}{\sigma^2_b} = 1$, the benchmark portfolio itself has a beta of 1
  • $\bs w_m$: the market portfolio, as defined in CAPM
    • $\bs \beta_m = \frac{V\bs w_m}{\sigma^2_m}$: the betas vector to the market portfolio $\bs w_m$

Excess return forecast

  • $\bs f = \mathbb{E}[\tilde{\bs r}] - r_0$ is a vector of excess return forecast of all assets
    • $r_0$ is the risk free rate
  • $\bs f$ is a view, which can be from:
    • Fundamental research: earning forcasts, revenue growth etc
    • Technical and quantitative analysis
    • Your secret trading signal

Optimal portfolio and Sharp Ratio

Given the view $\bs f$, the optimal portfolio $\bs w$ to express the view is:

  • minimize the variance of portfolio P&L (risk): $\bs w^TV\bs w$
  • while preserving a unit dollar of excess P&L: $\bs w^T \bs f = 1$

which solves a portfolio with the largest Sharp ratio under the view $\bs f$.

  • the optimal portfolio can then be scaled to match the dollar amount to be invested
  • the scaling does not change the portfolio's Sharp ratio and optimality

Why we take the covariance matrix $V$ as a constant, but treat expected return $\bs f$ as a variable?

Characteristic portfolio

The optimal portfolio can be solved analytically using Lagrange multiplier and matrix calculus:

$$\begin{array} \\ & l &= \bs w^TV \bs w - 2 \lambda (\bs f^T \bs w - 1) \\ & \frac{\partial l}{\partial \bs w} &= 2 \bs w^T V - 2 \lambda \bs f^T = \bs 0^T \\ \end{array}$$ $$ V \bs w - \lambda \bs f = 0 \iff \bs w = \lambda V^{-1} \bs f $$

plug it into $\bs f^T \bs w = 1$:

$$ \bs f^T(\lambda V^{-1} \bs f) = 1 \iff \lambda = \frac{1}{\bs f^T V^{-1} \bs f}$$ $$\bs w(\bs f) = \frac{V^{-1}\bs f}{\bs f^T V^{-1} \bs f}$$

$\bs w (\bs f)$ is also known as the characteristic portfolio for the forecast $\bs f$.

Relativity of return forecast

The optimal portfolio is invariant if $\bs f$ is scaled by a scalar $a$:

$$\bs w(a\bs f) = \frac{1}{a} \bs w(\bs f)$$

  • the portfolio $\bs w$ and $\frac{1}{a} \bs w$ have no material difference
  • identical after the scaling to match the dollar amount to be invested

Therefore, the return forecast $\bs f$ is only meaningful in a relative sense:

  • it is only important to forecast the relative size of excess returns
  • e.g. excess return forecast of [1%, 2%] and [10%, 20%] of two assets would result in identical optimal portfolio

The return forecast $\bs f$ should only be interpreted in a relative sense, we use $\propto$ to make it explicit.

Important characteristic portfolios

Identical returns: $\bs f \propto \bs e = [1, 1, ...., 1]^T$:

  • A naive view that all assets have the same excess returns (zero information)
  • $\bs e^T\bs w = 1$ means it is a fully invested portfolio of \$1
  • $\bs w_e = \frac{V^{-1}\bs e}{\bs e^TV^{-1}\bs e}$ has the minimum variance amongst all fully invested portfolio

Beta to a benchmark portfolio: $\bs f \propto \bs \beta_b = \frac{V\bs w_b}{\sigma_b^2}$:

  • $\bs{\beta_b w} = 1$ means the portfolio has a beta of 1 to the benchmark portfolio $\bs w_b$
  • $\bs w_{\beta} = \frac{V^{-1}\bs \beta_b}{\bs \beta_b^T V^{-1}\bs \beta_b} = \frac{\bs w_b}{\bs{\beta_b^T w_b}} = \bs w_b$, which is the benchmark portfolio itself
  • the benchmark portfolio itself is the optimal portfolio amongst those with unit beta.

Implied view of a portfolio

From any portfolio, we can backout its implied excess return forecast $\bs f$:

  • It is nothing but the betas to the portfolio, following previous slides
  • Only meaningful in a relative sense as well
  • Normalization required to produce absolute excess return forecast

Consider the market portfolio: the market collectively believe that $\bs f \propto \bs \beta_m$:

  • the absolute implied excess return by normalizing to the market excess return:

$$\mathbb{E}[\tilde{\bs r}] - r_0 = \bs \beta_m \left(\mathbb{E}[\tilde r_m] - r_0\right)$$

  • where $\tilde r_m$ is the market portfolio's return, this is exactly the CAPM.

The implied excess return is a much better return estimate than historical data.

  • How many years of historical data do we need to reliably estimate expected returns?

~500 years of data

Portfolio optimization example

The covariance matrix estimated from historical weekly returns are:

In [19]:
fmt.displayDF(cv*1e4, "4g")
SPY 8.043 0.2461 5.611
GLD 0.2461 7.288 3.838
OIL 5.611 3.838 22.28

We consider three risky assets, with the following excess return forecast:

In [20]:
er = np.array([.05, .02, .01]).T
df_er = pd.DataFrame(np.array([er]).T*100, columns=["Excess Return Forcast (%)"], index = f3.columns).T
fmt.displayDF(df_er, "2f")
Excess Return Forcast (%) 5.00 2.00 1.00

The optimal portfolio for the given forecast is:

In [21]:
cvi = np.linalg.inv(cv)
w = cvi.dot(er.T)/er.T.dot(cvi).dot(er)
df_er.ix['Optimial Portfolio', :] = w

fmt.displayDF(df_er[-1:], "3g")
Optimial Portfolio 17.6 8.35 -4.83

Implied views

Suppose we are given the following portfolio:

In [22]:
w = np.array([10, 5, 5])
vb = w.dot(cv).dot(w)
ir = cv.dot(w)/vb

df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([w, ir])*100, index=["$ Position", "Implied Return %"], 
                  columns = ["SPY", "GLD", "OIL"])
fmt.displayDF(df[:1], "4g")
$ Position 1,000 500 500

We can compute its implied return forecast as:

In [23]:
fmt.displayDF(df[1:], "2f")
Implied Return % 4.73 2.50 8.04
  • note that these forecast are only meaningful in a relative sense

Does the investor really have so much confidence in OIL?

Norm and Condition

Ill-conditioned covariance matrix

The Mean-variance optimization is very powerful, but there are potential pitfalls in practice:

  • Suppose we have the following covariance matrix and excess return forecast, then we can compute the optimal portfolio.
In [24]:
nt = 1000
es = np.random.normal(size=[2, nt])

rho = .999999
e4 = rho/np.sqrt(2)*es[0, :] + rho/np.sqrt(2)*es[1,:] + np.sqrt(1-rho*rho)*np.random.normal(size=[1, nt])
es = np.vstack([es, e4])

cor = np.corrcoef(es)
cor1 = np.copy(cor)
cor1[0, 1] = cor1[1, 0] = cor[0, 1] + .00002
sd = np.eye(3)
np.fill_diagonal(sd, np.std(r))
cov = sd.dot(cor).dot(sd.T)
cov1 = sd.dot(cor1).dot(sd.T)

e, v = np.linalg.eig(np.linalg.inv(cov))
In [25]:
er = v[:, 2]/10

df_cov = pd.DataFrame(cov*1e4, index=f3.columns, columns=f3.columns)
df_cov1 = pd.DataFrame(cov1*1e4, index=f3.columns, columns=f3.columns)

pf = pd.DataFrame(np.array([er]), columns=f3.columns, index=['Expected Return'])
covi = np.linalg.inv(cov)
pf.ix['Optimal Portfolio', :] = covi.dot(er.T)/er.T.dot(covi).dot(er)

fmt.displayDFs(df_cov, pf, headers=["Covariance", "Optimized Portfolio"], fmt="4f")
CovarianceOptimized Portfolio
SPY 8.0234 -0.1578 9.7193
GLD -0.1578 7.2697 8.5246
OIL 9.7193 8.5246 22.2275
Expected Return 0.0384 0.0325 0.0864
Optimal Portfolio 3.8417 3.2496 8.6419
  • A few days later, there is a tiny change in covariance matrix, but ...
In [26]:
pf1 = pd.DataFrame(np.array([er]), columns=f3.columns, index=['Expected Return'])
covi1 = np.linalg.inv(cov1)
pf1.ix['Optimal Portfolio', :] = covi1.dot(er.T)/er.T.dot(covi1).dot(er)

fmt.displayDFs(df_cov1, pf1, headers=["Covariance", "Optimized Portfolio"], fmt="4f")
CovarianceOptimized Portfolio
SPY 8.0234 -0.1576 9.7193
GLD -0.1576 7.2697 8.5246
OIL 9.7193 8.5246 22.2275
Expected Return 0.0384 0.0325 0.0864
Optimal Portfolio 0.5848 0.0864 11.2791

Ill-conditioned linear system

Consider the following linear system $A\bs x = \bs y$, and its solution:

In [27]:
a = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3.999]])
x = sp.MatrixSymbol('x', 2, 1)
y = np.array([4, 7.999])
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', sp.Matrix(a)*x, sp.Matrix(y)), 
                fmt.joinMath('=', x, sp.Matrix(np.round(np.linalg.solve(a, y), 4))))
$$ \left(\begin{matrix}1.0 & 2.0\\2.0 & 3.999\end{matrix}\right) x=\left(\begin{matrix}4.0\\7.999\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;x=\left(\begin{matrix}2.0\\1.0\end{matrix}\right)$$

A small perturbation on vector $\bs y$:

In [28]:
z = np.copy(y)
z[1] += .002

fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', sp.Matrix(a)*x, sp.Matrix(z)), 
                fmt.joinMath('=', x, sp.Matrix(np.round(np.linalg.solve(a, z), 4))))
$$ \left(\begin{matrix}1.0 & 2.0\\2.0 & 3.999\end{matrix}\right) x=\left(\begin{matrix}4.0\\8.001\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;x=\left(\begin{matrix}6.0\\-1.0\end{matrix}\right)$$

A small perturbtion on matrix $A$:

In [29]:
b = np.copy(a)
b[1, 1] += .003

fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', sp.Matrix(b)*x, sp.Matrix(y)), 
                fmt.joinMath('=', x, sp.Matrix(np.round(np.linalg.solve(b, y), 4))))
$$ \left(\begin{matrix}1.0 & 2.0\\2.0 & 4.002\end{matrix}\right) x=\left(\begin{matrix}4.0\\7.999\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;x=\left(\begin{matrix}5.0\\-0.5\end{matrix}\right)$$
  • How do we identify ill-conditioned linear system in practice?

Vector norms

is a measure of the magnitude of the vector:

  • Positive: $\Vert \bs u\Vert \ge 0$, $\Vert \bs u\Vert = 0 \iff \bs{u = 0}$
  • Homogeneous: $\Vert a \bs u \Vert = |a| \Vert \bs u\Vert $
  • Triangle inequality: $\Vert \bs u + \bs v\Vert \le \Vert \bs u\Vert + \Vert \bs v\Vert $

Common vector norms

  • L1: $\Vert \bs u\Vert _1 = \sum_i | u_i |$
  • L2 (Euclidean): $\Vert \bs u\Vert _2 = (\sum u_i^2)^{\frac{1}{2}} = (\bs u^T \bs u)^\frac{1}{2}$
  • Lp: $\Vert \bs u\Vert _p = (\sum u_i^p)^{\frac{1}{p}}$
  • L${\infty}$: $\Vert \bs u\Vert _\infty = \max(u_1, u_2, ..., u_n)$

Vector norms comparison

Vectors with unit norms:

  • Unit L2 norm forms a perfect circle (sphere in high dimension)
  • Unit L1 and L${\infty}$ norms are square boxes
  • The difference between different norms are not significant

Matrix norms

Defined to be the largest amount the linear transformation can stretch a vector:

$$\Vert A\Vert = \max_{\bs u \ne 0}\frac{\Vert A\bs u\Vert }{\Vert \bs u\Vert }$$

The matrix norm definition depends on the vector norms. Only L1 and L$\infty$ matrix norm have analytical formula:

  • L1: $\Vert A\Vert _1 = \max_{j} \sum_i |a_{ij}|$
  • L2: $\Vert A \Vert_2 =$ the largest singular value of $A$
  • L${\infty}$: $\Vert A\Vert _\infty = \max_i \sum_j |a_{ij}|$


  • $\Vert A \bs u \Vert \le \Vert A\Vert \Vert u\Vert $
  • $\Vert b A\Vert = |b| \Vert A\Vert $
  • $\Vert A + B\Vert \le \Vert A\Vert + \Vert B\Vert $
  • $\Vert AB\Vert \le \Vert A\Vert \Vert B\Vert$

Matrix condition

The propogation of errors in a linear system $\bs y = A\bs x$ with invertable $A$:

  • Consider a perturbation to $\bs{ x' = x} + d\bs x$, and corresponding $d \bs y = A d\bs x$:

$$\begin{array}\\ \Vert d \bs y\Vert &= \Vert A d \bs x\Vert \le \Vert A\Vert\Vert d \bs x\Vert = \Vert A\Vert \Vert \bs x\Vert \frac{\Vert d \bs x\Vert }{\Vert \bs x\Vert } \\ &= \Vert A\Vert \Vert A^{-1} \bs y\Vert \frac{\Vert d \bs x\Vert }{\Vert \bs x\Vert } \le \Vert A\Vert \Vert A^{-1} \Vert \Vert \bs y\Vert \frac{\Vert d \bs x\Vert }{\Vert \bs x\Vert } \end{array}$$

$$\frac{\Vert d \bs y\Vert }{\Vert \bs y\Vert } \le \Vert A\Vert\Vert A^{-1}\Vert\frac{\Vert d \bs x\Vert }{\Vert \bs x\Vert}$$

  • $k(A) = \Vert A\Vert\Vert A^{-1}\Vert$ is the condition number for the linear system $\bs y = A\bs x$, which defines the maximum possible magnification of the relative error.

Matrix perturbation

What if we change the matrix itself? i.e. given $AB = C$, how would $B$ change under a small change in $A$ while holding $C$ constant?

  • we can no longer directly compute it via matrix calculus
  • perturbation is a powerful technique to solve this types of problem

We can write any $\delta A = \dot{A} \epsilon$ and the resulting $\delta B = \dot{B} \epsilon$:

  • $\dot{A}, \dot{B}$ are matrices representing the direction of the perturbation
  • $\epsilon$ is a first order small scalar

$$\begin{array} \\ (A + \delta A) (B + \delta B) &= (A + \dot{A} \epsilon ) (B + \dot{B} \epsilon) = C \\ AB + (\dot{A}B + A\dot{B})\epsilon + \dot{A}\dot{B}\epsilon^2 &= C \\ (\dot{A}B + A\dot{B})\epsilon + \dot{A}\dot{B}\epsilon^2 &= 0 \end{array}$$

Now we collect the first order terms of $\epsilon$, $\dot{A}B + A\dot{B} = 0$:

$$\begin{array} \\ \dot{B} &= -A^{-1}\dot{A}B \\ \delta B &= -A^{-1}\delta A B \\ \Vert \delta B \Vert &= \Vert A^{-1}\delta A B \Vert \le \Vert A^{-1} \Vert \Vert \delta A \Vert \Vert B \Vert \\ \frac{\Vert \delta B \Vert}{\Vert B \Vert} &\le \Vert A^{-1} \Vert \Vert \delta A \Vert = \Vert A^{-1} \Vert \Vert A \Vert \frac{\Vert \delta A \Vert}{\Vert A \Vert} \end{array}$$

We reach the same conclusion of $k(A) = \Vert A^{-1} \Vert \Vert A \Vert$ for a small change in $A$ under the linear system $AB = C$.

  • we will cover the condition number for non-square matrix in the next class.

Numerical example

Consider the ill-conditioned matrices from previous examples:

In [30]:
V = sp.MatrixSymbol('V', 3, 3)
Vi = sp.MatrixSymbol('V^{-1}', 3, 3)
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', V, sp.Matrix(cov*1e4).evalf(4)), fmt.joinMath('=', Vi, sp.Matrix(cov*1e4).inv().evalf(5)))
$$ V=\left(\begin{matrix}8.023 & -0.1578 & 9.719\\-0.1578 & 7.27 & 8.525\\9.719 & 8.525 & 22.23\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;V^{{-1}}=\left(\begin{matrix}32585.0 & 31647.0 & -26385.0\\31647.0 & 30737.0 & -25626.0\\-26385.0 & -25626.0 & 21365.0\end{matrix}\right)$$
In [31]:
A = sp.MatrixSymbol('A', 2, 2)
Ai = sp.MatrixSymbol('A^{-1}', 2, 2)
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', A, sp.Matrix(a)), fmt.joinMath('=', Ai, sp.Matrix(a).inv().evalf(4)))
$$ A=\left(\begin{matrix}1.0 & 2.0\\2.0 & 3.999\end{matrix}\right)\;,\;\;\;A^{{-1}}=\left(\begin{matrix}-3999.0 & 2000.0\\2000.0 & -1000.0\end{matrix}\right)$$

their condition numbers are large because of the large elements in the inversion:

In [32]:
fmt.displayDF(pd.DataFrame([[np.linalg.cond(x, n) for n in (1, 2, inf)] for x in [a, cov*1e4]],
             columns = ["L-1", "L-2", "L-$\infty$"], index=['Condition number $A$', 'Condition number $V$']), "4g")
L-1 L-2 L-$\infty$
Condition number $A$ 3.599e+04 2.499e+04 3.599e+04
Condition number $V$ 3.667e+06 2.52e+06 3.667e+06

Orthogonal transformation

Orthogonal transformation is unconditionally stable:

$$\Vert Q \bs u\Vert_2^2 = (Q \bs u)^T(Q \bs u) = \bs u^T Q^TQ \bs u = \bs u^T \bs u = \Vert \bs u \Vert_2^2$$

  • therefore by definition: $\Vert Q \Vert_2 = \Vert Q^{-1} \Vert_2 = 1$
  • $k(Q) = \Vert Q \Vert_2 \Vert Q^{-1} \Vert_2 = 1$
  • the relative error does not grow under orthogonal transformation.
  • Orthogonal transformation is extremely important in numerical linear algebra.


Required reading:

  • Bindel and Goodman: Chapter 4, 5.1-5.4


  • Bindel and Goodman: Problem 4.4, 4.7, 4.8
  • Complete homework set 2
  • Problem 2, 4, 5 in the homework set and 4.4, 4.7 from the book are optional.