In [126]:
%pylab inline
import pandas as pd
import sympy as sp

sp.init_printing(use_latex = True)
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

WARNING: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['norm', 'axes', 'f', 'short', 'e']
`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy

Lecure 4: Rootfinding and Interpolation


  • Root finding
  • Interpolation
  • Curve building



  • The Bible: the love of money is the root of all evil
  • Mark Twain: the lack of money is the root of all evil
  • Ayn Rand:money is the root of all good

Common rootfinding methods

Search the root of a scalar function $f(x) = 0$, common methods:

  • Bisection
  • Newton-Ralphson
  • Secant
  • Brent

Illustrative Examples:

  • compute the implied volatility of a call option.
  • a more challenging problem of $\Phi(x) + .05x - 0.5 = 0$
In [127]:
from scipy.stats import norm
lecture = 4

# black scholes call
def bs_call(r, s, k, sigma, t) :
    d1 = (math.log(s/k) + (r + .5*sigma*sigma)*t)/sigma/math.sqrt(t)
    d2 = d1 - sigma*math.sqrt(t)
    return norm.cdf(d1)*s - norm.cdf(d2)*k*math.exp(-r*t)

# black scholes vega
def bs_vega(r, s, k, sigma, t) :
    d1 = (math.log(s/k) + (r + .5*sigma*sigma)*t)/sigma/math.sqrt(t)
    return math.sqrt(t)*s*norm.pdf(d1)

f = lambda s : bs_call(r=.05, s=100, k=150., sigma=s, t=1) - 1.
g = lambda s, foo, bar : bs_vega(r=.05, s=100, k=150., sigma=s, t=1) 
f2 = lambda x : norm.cdf(x) + .05*x - .5
g2 = lambda x, a, b : norm.pdf(x) + .05

fig = figure(figsize=[12, 3.5])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
sigs = np.arange(.01, .5, .01)
bsv = np.array([f(s) for s in sigs])
plot(sigs, bsv, '-')
axhline(color = 'r');
title('Black Scholes Call')
subplot(1, 2, 2)
x2 = np.arange(-5, 5, .1)
plot(x2, f2(x2));
axhline(color = 'r');
xlim(-5, 5)
title('$\Phi(x) + .05x - 0.5 = 0$');


  • initial gueses must bucket the solution
  • the function must be continous
  • converges to the true root linearly (absolute error halves for each iteration).
    • $\vert \epsilon_{n+1} \vert \le c \vert \epsilon_{n} \vert $, $c = \frac{1}{2}$ for Bisection
    • the term linear is rather confusing, as the error actually reduces exponentially.
In [128]:
import scipy.optimize as opt
a = .1
b = .45

def cumf (x, func, xs) :
    return func(x)

xs = []
nx = opt.bisect(cumf, a, b, args=(f, xs))

def show_converge(f, xs, a, b, maxIter, tag, diagline = True, txty = .5) :
    figure(figsize = [12, 3.5])
    subplot(1, 2, 1)

    xr = np.arange(a*.9, b*1.1, (b-a)/500.)
    bsv = np.array(map(f, xr))

    plot(xr, bsv, '-')
    axhline(color = 'k');

    for i in range(maxIter) :
        plot([xs[i], xs[i]], [0, f(xs[i])])
        scatter(xs[i], txty*(1. if f(xs[i]) < 0 else -1.), 
                s=150, marker = "$%d$"% i)
        if diagline and i< (maxIter-1):
            plot([xs[i], xs[i+1]], [f(xs[i]), 0])

    xlim(a*.9, b*1.1);
    ylim(f(a) - .2, f(b) + .2);

    subplot(1, 2, 2)
    es = np.abs(map(f, xs))
    semilogy(es, '.');
show_converge(f, xs, .1, .45, 6, 'Bisection', False)


  • converges quadratically: $\vert \epsilon_{n+1} \vert \le c \; \epsilon_n^2$.
In [129]:
xs = []
nx = opt.newton(cumf, b, g, args=(f, xs))

show_converge(f, xs, 0.2, .45, 3, 'Newton-Ralphson', True)
  • convergence is not guaranteed, it can fail around inflection point
  • guaranteed convergence if the function is convex everywhere.
In [130]:
xs = []

try : 
    nx = opt.newton(cumf, 2, g2, args=(f2, xs))
except RuntimeError:

show_converge(f2, xs, -5, 9.5, 3, 'Newton-Ralphson', True, .1)


  • Similar to Newton-Raphson, but use previous valuations to approximate the derivatives
In [131]:
xs = []
g = lambda s, foo, bar : bs_vega(r=.05, s=100, k=150., sigma=s, t=1) 
nx = opt.newton(cumf, b, args=(f, xs))

show_converge(f, xs, 0.2, .45, 4, 'Secant', True)

Secant is also not guaranteed to converge.

In [132]:
xs = []
try : 
    nx = opt.newton(cumf, 3, args=(f2, xs))
except RuntimeError:

show_converge(f2, xs, -11, 11, 5, 'Secant', True, .1)


  • An adaptive algorithm.
  • Guaranteed to find a solution if initial guesses bucket the root
  • Usually converges very fast
  • Often the default choice in practice
In [133]:
xs = []
g = lambda s, foo, bar : bs_vega(r=.05, s=100, k=150., sigma=s, t=1) 
nx = opt.brentq(cumf, a, b, args=(f, xs))

show_converge(f, xs, 0.1, .45, 5, 'Brent', False)

The challenging $\Phi(x) + .05x - 0.5 = 0$ converges under Brent:

In [134]:
xs = []
nx = opt.brentq(cumf, -1, 4, args=(f2, xs))

show_converge(f2, xs, -1.5, 5, 5, 'Brent', True, .1)


interpolate: verb, insert (something) between fixed points

Common interpolation methods

From a discrete set of knot values $x_i, y_i$, find a function $f: x \rightarrow y$.

  • that hits all the knot values

Common interpolation methods:

  • Linear
  • Polynomial
  • Cubic spline

We will cover in detail:

  • Tension spline
  • Maximum entropy (future lecture)

Linear interpolation

In [135]:
x = np.array([.1, 1.,2, 3., 5., 10., 25.])
y = np.array([.0025, .01, .016,.02, .025, .030, .035])
plot(x, y, '-o');
title('Linear Interpolation');

Piecewise constant interpolation

  • values equals to the observation to the right (or left).
  • simple (maybe even silly) but useful in curve building
  • works well with bootstrap
In [136]:
m = dict(zip(x, y))
m.update(dict(zip(x[:-1] + 1e-6, y[1:])))
k, v = zip(*sorted(m.items()))
plot(k, v, 'o-')
title('Piecewise Constant');

Polynomial interpolation

  • Fit a polynomial function of order $n-1$ to the $n$ observations.
  • The exact solution is known as the Lagrange polynomials:

$$ p(x) = \sum_{i=0}^n(\prod_{1\le j \le n, j\ne i}\frac{x-x_j}{x_i-x_j})y_i $$

It is rarely used in practice because ...

In [137]:
z = np.polyfit(x, y, len(x)-1)
p = np.poly1d(z)
x1d = arange(0, 26, .1)
plot(x1d, p(x1d))
plot(x, y, 'o');

Spline interpolation

Spline is an elastic string or pipe, used by draftsmen to draw smooth curves through fixed knots before the computer age:

Spline interpolation is a mathematical model for the physical spline.

Cubic spline

Cubic spline uses a 3rd order polynomial for each line section between knots

$$q_i(x) = a_i + b_i x + c_i x^2 + d_i x^3 \;,\;\; x_i < x < x_{i+1}$$

Enforce continuity up to the 2nd derivatives:

\begin{eqnarray} q_{i-1}(x_i) &=& q_{i}(x_i) \\ q'_{i-1}(x_i) &=& q'_{i}(x_i) \\ q''_{i-1}(x_i) &=& q''_{i}(x_i) \end{eqnarray}

Boundary conditions

For $n$ knots, there are $n-1$ line sections with $4(n-1)$ parameters

  • $n$ constraint for the hitting the $n$ knot values
  • 3 continuity constraints for each intermediate knot: $3(n-2)$
  • $4n-6$ constraints in total

Two additional constraints required to uniquely determine the cubic spline:

  • Natural Spline: $s''_1(x_1) = s''_{n-1}(x_{n}) = 0$
  • End slope conditions: $s'_1(x_1) = c_0, s'_{n-1}(x_{n}) = c_1$

Cubic spline examples

Spline interpolation is very smooth

However, it does not preserve monotonicity and convexity

  • it could overshoot
  • can result in arbitrages in many situations
In [138]:
import lin

ts = lin.RationalTension(0.), y)

x2 = np.array([.01, .03, .07, .1, .6])
y2 = np.array([.0095, .023, .035, .040, .042])

figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(x1d, ts.value(x1d))
plot(x, y, 'o');
title('Cubic Spline');

subplot(1, 2, 2), y2)
x2d = arange(.01, .65, .01)
plot(x2d, ts.value(x2d))
plot(x2, y2, 'o');
title('CDO Tranche Expected Loss');


Option-like instruments' prices are convex functions:

$$ v(k) = \mathbb{E}[\max(\tilde s - k, 0)] $$

No arbitrage requires $\frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial k^2} > 0 $, because:

$$\frac{\partial^2}{\partial k^2}\mathbb{E}[\max(\tilde s-k, 0)] = \mathbb{E}[\frac{\partial^2}{\partial k^2} \max(\tilde s-k, 0)] = \mathbb{E}[\delta(\tilde s-k)] = p(k) $$

  • $\delta(x)$ is the Dirac delta function: $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \delta(x-a) dx = f(a)$
  • $p(\cdot)$ is the probability density function of $\tilde s$
  • The expected loss of a 0 to $k$ tranche is concave because:
    • $v(k) = \mathbb{E}[\min(\tilde l, k)] = k - \mathbb{E}[\max(k-\tilde l, 0)]$

Exponential tension spline

A tension spline is originally defined as: $f^{(4)}(x) - \lambda f''(x) = 0$

  • it models a physical spline stretchd by a tension force of $\lambda$
  • it reduces to cubic spline when $\lambda = 0$
  • with $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$, the spline is streched to piece-wise straight lines
  • the solution is a combination of exponential and linear functions of $x$

Rational tension spline

Generic tension spline has the following property:

  • has a scalar tension parameter $\lambda$
  • when $\lambda = 0$, it reduces to cubic spline
  • it converges to piecewise linear interpolation uniformly as $\lambda$ increases

Rational tension spline is a convenient form of generic tension spline:

In [139]:
import fmt

a, b, c, d, t = sp.symbols('a b c d t', real = True)
l = sp.symbols('lambda', positive=True)
f = sp.Function('f')
df = sp.Function("\dot{f}")
ddf = sp.Function("\ddot{f}")

r = (a + b*t + c*t**2 + d*t**3)/(1 + l*t*(1-t))
s_x, xi, xii, xi_ = sp.symbols('x, x_i, x_{i+1}, x_{i-1}', real=True)

fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', f(t), r), fmt.joinMath('=', t, (s_x-xi)/(xii-xi)))
$$ f{\left (t \right )}=\frac{a + b t + c t^{2} + d t^{3}}{\lambda t \left(- t + 1\right) + 1}\;,\;\;\;t=\frac{x - x_{i}}{- x_{i} + x_{{i+1}}}$$
  • it is more tractable than the exponential tension spline as only polynomial functions are involved
  • solvable the same way as cubic spline, $\lambda$ is a known parameter


The rationale tension spline's values and derivatives at $t=0$ and $t=1$:

In [140]:
from fmt import math2df

def lincollect(e, tms) :
    m = sp.collect(sp.expand(e), tms, evaluate=False)
    return [m[k] if k in m else 0 for k in tms]

coefs = sp.Matrix([a, b, c, d])
drt0 = sp.Matrix([lincollect(r.diff(t, i).subs({t:0}), coefs) for i in range(3)])
drt1 = sp.Matrix([lincollect(r.diff(t, i).subs({t:1}), coefs) for i in range(3)])
In [141]:
derivs = sp.Matrix([f(t), df(t), ddf(t)])
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', derivs.subs({t:0}), drt0), coefs, sep="", pre="\\small")
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', derivs.subs({t:1}), drt1), coefs, sep="", pre="\\small")
$$\small \left(\begin{matrix}f{\left (0 \right )}\\\dot{f}{\left (0 \right )}\\\ddot{f}{\left (0 \right )}\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\- \lambda & 1 & 0 & 0\\2 \lambda^{2} + 2 \lambda & - 2 \lambda & 2 & 0\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}a\\b\\c\\d\end{matrix}\right)$$
$$\small \left(\begin{matrix}f{\left (1 \right )}\\\dot{f}{\left (1 \right )}\\\ddot{f}{\left (1 \right )}\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\\lambda & \lambda + 1 & \lambda + 2 & \lambda + 3\\2 \lambda^{2} + 2 \lambda & 2 \lambda^{2} + 4 \lambda & 2 \lambda^{2} + 6 \lambda + 2 & 2 \lambda^{2} + 8 \lambda + 6\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}a\\b\\c\\d\end{matrix}\right)$$
  • Note the short-handed notation of $\ddot{f}(1) = \frac{d^2f(t)}{d t^2} \rvert _{t=1}$ etc.
  • $\lambda$ is a known constant
  • Like cubic spline, there are $4(n-1)$ variables and constraints
  • Solvable as a $4(n-1)$ dimensional linear systems ~ $O((4n)^3)$

A better solution

Consider one line section between $[x_i, x_{i+1}]$:

  • the four coefficients are fully determined by $f(0)$, $f(1)$, $\ddot{f}(0)$, $\ddot{f}(1)$:
In [142]:
s_v = sp.Matrix([f(0), f(1), ddf(0), ddf(1)])
s_a = sp.Matrix([drt0[0, :], drt1[0, :], drt0[2, :], drt1[2, :]])

fmt.displayMath(s_a, fmt.joinMath('=', coefs, s_v), sep="", pre="\\small")
$$\small \left(\begin{matrix}1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\2 \lambda^{2} + 2 \lambda & - 2 \lambda & 2 & 0\\2 \lambda^{2} + 2 \lambda & 2 \lambda^{2} + 4 \lambda & 2 \lambda^{2} + 6 \lambda + 2 & 2 \lambda^{2} + 8 \lambda + 6\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}a\\b\\c\\d\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}f{\left (0 \right )}\\f{\left (1 \right )}\\\ddot{f}{\left (0 \right )}\\\ddot{f}{\left (1 \right )}\end{matrix}\right)$$

The linear system can be explicity inverted (by sympy!):

In [143]:
ss = sp.simplify(sp.expand(s_a.inv()))
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', coefs, ss), s_v, sep="")
$$ \left(\begin{matrix}a\\b\\c\\d\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\\lambda - 1 & 1 & - \frac{\lambda + 2}{2 \lambda^{2} + 8 \lambda + 6} & - \frac{1}{2 \lambda^{2} + 8 \lambda + 6}\\- 2 \lambda & \lambda & \frac{\lambda + \frac{3}{2}}{\lambda^{2} + 4 \lambda + 3} & - \frac{\lambda}{2 \lambda^{2} + 8 \lambda + 6}\\\lambda & - \lambda & - \frac{1}{2 \lambda + 6} & \frac{1}{2 \lambda + 6}\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}f{\left (0 \right )}\\f{\left (1 \right )}\\\ddot{f}{\left (0 \right )}\\\ddot{f}{\left (1 \right )}\end{matrix}\right)$$
  • the resulting $a, b, c, d$ ensures that the rational tension spline hits the target $f(t), \ddot{f}(t)$ at both ends of the line section.
  • $\dot{f}(x_i)$ becomes linear combinations of $f$ and $\ddot f$ for line sections $[x_{i-1}, x_i]$ or $[x_i, x_{i+1}]$
    • the $\dot{f}(x_i)$ from the left and right line sections must equal

Continuity conditions

Thus $\ddot{f}(x_i)$ at the knots are the only $n$ unknowns, which are sovable from the following $n$ constraints:

  • End condition (natural spline): $\ddot{f}(x_1) = \ddot{f}(x_{n}) = 0$
  • Continuity in $\dot{f}(x_i)$ for $n-2$ intermediate knots

Note that $f(\cdot)$ and its derivatives are continuous in $x$, not $t$:

$$ \frac{d^k f(t)}{dt^k} = (x_{i+1}-x_i)^k\frac{d^k f(x)}{dx^k} $$

  • this is because $t = \frac{x-x_i}{x_{i+1} - x_i}$
  • what if end conditions are given in $\dot{f}(x_1)$ and $\dot{f}(x_{n})$?

Couninuity in $f'(x_i)$

In [144]:
xl, xr = sp.symbols('x_l, x_r')
vm = {xl:(xi-xi_), xr:(xii-xi)}

sl = sp.Matrix([f(xi_), f(xi), ddf(xi_)*xl**2, ddf(xi)*xl**2])
sr = sp.Matrix([f(xi), f(xii), ddf(xi)*xr**2, ddf(xii)*xr**2])
dl = sp.simplify(sp.expand((drt1[1,:]*ss*sl/xl)[0,0]))
dr = sp.simplify(sp.expand((drt0[1,:]*ss*sr/xr)[0,0]))

terms = sp.Matrix([ddf(xi_), ddf(xi), ddf(xii)])
d1 = sp.collect(sp.expand(dl - dr), terms, evaluate=False)

mr = sp.Matrix([sp.simplify(sp.simplify(d1[k]).subs(vm)) for k in terms])
rhs = sp.simplify(-d1[sp.S.One]).subs(vm)
fmt.displayMath(mr.T, terms, sep="")
fmt.displayMath("\;\;\;\;\;\;\; =", rhs, sep="")
#displayMath(*[fmt.joinMath('=', k, v) for k, v in vm.items()])
$$ \left(\begin{matrix}\frac{x_{i} - x_{{i-1}}}{2 \lambda^{2} + 8 \lambda + 6} & \frac{\frac{\lambda x_{{i+1}}}{2} - \frac{\lambda x_{{i-1}}}{2} + x_{{i+1}} - x_{{i-1}}}{\lambda^{2} + 4 \lambda + 3} & \frac{- x_{i} + x_{{i+1}}}{2 \lambda^{2} + 8 \lambda + 6}\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}\ddot{f}{\left (x_{{i-1}} \right )}\\\ddot{f}{\left (x_{i} \right )}\\\ddot{f}{\left (x_{{i+1}} \right )}\end{matrix}\right)$$
$$ \;\;\;\;\;\;\; =- \frac{f{\left (x_{i} \right )}}{x_{i} - x_{{i-1}}} + \frac{f{\left (x_{{i-1}} \right )}}{x_{i} - x_{{i-1}}} - \frac{f{\left (x_{i} \right )}}{- x_{i} + x_{{i+1}}} + \frac{f{\left (x_{{i+1}} \right )}}{- x_{i} + x_{{i+1}}}$$
  • this linear system can be written as a tri-diagonal matrix

Tri-diagonal system

The following is the linear system of the 1st interpolation example with $\lambda = 2$:

In [145]:
import trid
ts3 = trid.TridiagTension(2.), y)

fmt.displayMath(sp.Matrix(np.round(ts3.a, 3)), fmt.joinMath('=', "\\boldsymbol{\\ddot{f}}", #ddf(s_x), 
                sp.Matrix(np.round(ts3.b, 4))), sep="", pre="\\small")
$$\small \left(\begin{matrix}1.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0\\0.03 & 0.253 & 0.033 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0\\0.0 & 0.033 & 0.267 & 0.033 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0\\0.0 & 0.0 & 0.033 & 0.4 & 0.067 & 0.0 & 0.0\\0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.067 & 0.933 & 0.167 & 0.0\\0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.167 & 2.667 & 0.5\\0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0\end{matrix}\right)\boldsymbol{\ddot{f}}=\left(\begin{matrix}0.0\\-0.0023\\-0.002\\-0.0015\\-0.0015\\-0.0007\\0.0\end{matrix}\right)$$

Thomas algorithm:

  • a sparse version of the LU decomposition
  • solves the tri-diagonal system in $O(n)$ operations

what is the complexity of regular LU decomposition?

Tension spline examples

In [146]:
def plotTension(x, y, lbds, xd) :
    plot(x, y, 'o');
    title('Tension Spline');

    for lbd in lbds:
        ts = lin.RationalTension(lbd), y)
        plot(xd, ts.value(xd))
    legend(['data'] + ['$\lambda = %.f$' % l for l in lbds], loc='best');

lbds = (0, 2, 10, 50)

figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plotTension(x, y, lbds, x1d)
subplot(1, 2, 2)
plotTension(x2, y2, lbds, x2d)
  • converges to piece wise flat curve uniformly with increasing $\lambda$

Perturbation locality

Spline interpolation is global:

  • changing a single knot affects the whole curve
  • the perbation is more localized with greater tension parameter $\lambda$
In [147]:
def plotPerturb(x, y, yp, xd, lbds) :
    plot(x, yp-y, 'o')
    for lbd in lbds:
        ts = lin.RationalTension(lbd), y)
        tsp = lin.RationalTension(lbd), yp)

        plot(xd, tsp.value(xd) - ts.value(xd))
    title('Changes in Spline')
    legend(['knots'] + ['$\lambda = %.f$' % l for l in lbds], loc='best');

dy = .01
figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
idx = 3
yp = np.copy(y)
yp[idx] *= 1. + dy

plotPerturb(x, y, yp, x1d, lbds)

subplot(1, 2, 2)
idx = 1
yp = np.copy(y2)
yp[idx] *= 1. + dy
plotPerturb(x2, y2, yp, x2d, lbds)

Integral of tension spline

  • Though complicated, the integral is analytical nontheless
  • The integral can be useful in deriving analytical pricing formulae
    • derived using sympy
In [148]:
# now we compute the integral of r
num, den = sp.fraction(r)
t1, t2 = sp.solve(den, t)
sep = sp.S.One/(t-t1) - sp.S.One/(t-t2) 

tt = sp.symbols('tau', positive=True)
t1q, t1r = map(lambda x : sp.collect(sp.expand(x), t),  sp.div(num, t-t1))
t2q, t2r = map(lambda x : sp.collect(sp.expand(x), t),  sp.div(num, t-t2))
r_t1 = sp.integrate(sp.Rational(1,1)/(t-t1), (t, 0, tt))*t1r
r_t2 = sp.integrate(sp.Rational(1,1)/(t-t2), (t, 0, tt))*t2r
q_t1 = sp.integrate(t1q, (t, 0, tt))
q_t2 = sp.integrate(t2q, (t, 0, tt))
sums = sp.simplify(q_t1 - q_t2 + r_t1 - r_t2)/(t2-t1)/l

iv = sp.simplify(sp.collect(sp.simplify(sums), tt))
intg = sp.simplify(iv)
In [149]:
s_s0, s_s1, s_s2, s_c1, s_c2, s_com = sp.symbols('s_0, s_1, s_2, c_1, c_2, c_0')
short = sp.simplify(sp.Rational(1, 2)/l/s_com*(s_s0 + s_s1*(s_c1 + s_c2) + s_s2*(s_c1 - s_c2)))
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', sp.Integral(r, (t, 0, tt)), short))

com = sp.sqrt(l*(l+4))

s0 = -d*tt**2*s_com - 2*tt*(c+d)*s_com
s1 = sp.log((sp.sqrt(l+4)+sp.sqrt(l))/(sp.sqrt(l+4)+sp.sqrt(l)-2*sp.sqrt(l)*tt))
s2 = sp.log((sp.sqrt(l+4)-sp.sqrt(l))/(sp.sqrt(l+4)-sp.sqrt(l)+2*sp.sqrt(l)*tt))

c1 = d*s_com/l + s_com*(b+c+d)
c2 = l*(2*a+b+c+d)+(2*c+3*d)

#short = sp.simplify(sp.Rational(1, 2)/l/com*(s0 + s1*(c1 + c2) + s2*(c1 - c2))).subs({s_com:com})

fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', s_com, com), fmt.joinMath('=', s_s0, s0), pre="\\small ")
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', s_s1, s1), fmt.joinMath('=', s_s2, s2), pre="\\small ")
fmt.displayMath(fmt.joinMath('=', s_c1, c1), fmt.joinMath('=', s_c2, c2), pre="\\small ")
$$ \int_{0}^{\tau} \frac{a + b t + c t^{2} + d t^{3}}{\lambda t \left(- t + 1\right) + 1}\, dt=\frac{1}{2 c_{0} \lambda} \left(s_{0} + s_{1} \left(c_{1} + c_{2}\right) + s_{2} \left(c_{1} - c_{2}\right)\right)$$
$$\small c_{0}=\sqrt{\lambda} \sqrt{\lambda + 4}\;,\;\;\;s_{0}=- c_{0} d \tau^{2} - 2 c_{0} \tau \left(c + d\right)$$
$$\small s_{1}=\log{\left (\frac{\sqrt{\lambda} + \sqrt{\lambda + 4}}{- 2 \sqrt{\lambda} \tau + \sqrt{\lambda} + \sqrt{\lambda + 4}} \right )}\;,\;\;\;s_{2}=\log{\left (\frac{- \sqrt{\lambda} + \sqrt{\lambda + 4}}{2 \sqrt{\lambda} \tau - \sqrt{\lambda} + \sqrt{\lambda + 4}} \right )}$$
$$\small c_{1}=\frac{c_{0} d}{\lambda} + c_{0} \left(b + c + d\right)\;,\;\;\;c_{2}=2 c + 3 d + \lambda \left(2 a + b + c + d\right)$$

Curve Building

Jessica Simpson: I love my curves

Curve building foundamentals

  • Inputs: prices of benchmark instruments of the same risk factor, at different maturities
  • Outputs: a single curve for the underlying factor that explains all observed prices to adequate precision.
  • Curve building is a fundamental problem in Finance, it can become extremely complicated

Common types of curves

  • Interest rate: OIS, Libor 3M/6M etc,
  • CDS (credit default swap)
  • Commodity
  • FX
  • Inflation

Curve terminology

$b(t)$ is the price of risk free zero coupon bond maturing at $t$:

  • Zero rate (or spot rate, yield, internal rate of return):

$$r(t) = -\frac{1}{t}\log(b(t)) \iff b(t) = e^{-r(t) t} $$

  • Forward rate:

$$f(t) = -\frac{1}{b(t)}\frac{d b(t)}{d t} \iff b(t) = e^{-\int_{0}^t f(s) ds} $$

  • Swap rate (continous coupon):

$$s(t) = \frac{1 - b(t)}{\int_0^t b(s) ds} \iff s(t) \int_0^t b(s) ds + b(t) = 1 $$

Relationship between rates

In [150]:
dt = .1
t = np.arange(dt, 30, dt)

tn = np.array([0, 5, 30])
rn = np.array([.04, .06, .055])

cv = lin.RationalTension(2.), rn)

f = cv(t) + t*cv.deriv(t)
b = exp(-t*cv(t))
intb = np.cumsum(b*dt)
s = (1-b)/intb

plot(t, cv(t));
plot(t, f)
plot(t, s)

legend(['Zero Rate', 'Forward Rate', 'Swap Rate'], loc='best');
  • zero rate is the average of forward rate:

$$ r(t) = \frac{1}{t} \int_0^t f(s) ds $$

  • zero rate is an approximation to the swap rate (when $b(t) \approx 1$):

$$ s(t) = \frac{1 - b(t)}{\int_0^t b(s) ds} \approx \frac{1 - e^{-r(t)t}}{t} \approx \frac{r(t) t}{t} = r(t) $$

Introduction to CDS

No Default With Default

CDS is an insurance against a reference entity's default risk

  • protection buyer: makes quarterly payments of notional$\times$spread$\times$daycount.
  • protection seller: pays the default loss of notional$\times$(1-rec) when the reference entity defaults before CDS maturity.

Long or short ?

Important market convention: long position is always equivalent to owning the underlying bond

  • receiver swap is long $\iff$ own a fixed coupon risk free bond
  • sell CDS protection is long $\iff$ own a fixed coupon risky bond

Deltas are always comunicated by perturbing the market to the longer side, ie, the direction where long positions makes money:

  • interest rate decrease by 1bps
  • credit spread compress by 1bps
  • positive deltas always corresponds to long positions

Often the risk computation is done by bumping rates +1bps, then flipping the signs before the final reporting.

IR vs credit terminologies

In a very loose way, the following terms are the counterparts between IR and credit/CDS market (all in continuous compounding):

Interest Rate Credit
primary state variable discount factor $b(t)$ survival probability $p(t)$
yield, IRR zero rate
$r(t) = -\frac{1}{t}\log(b(t))$
quoted spread
$q(t) \approx -\frac{1 - \text{rec}}{t}\log(p(t))$
forward rate forward interest rate
$f(t) = -\frac{1}{b(t)}\frac{d b(t)}{d t} $
hazard rate
$h(t) = -\frac{1}{p(t)}\frac{d p(t)}{d t} $
par swap rate $s(t)$ par IR swap rate par CDS spread
cumulative yield $y(t) = -\log(b(t))$ $g(t) = -\log(p(t)) $

CDS benchmark instruments

The folllowing is a representatitve set of CDS quotes observed in the market:

In [151]:
import inst

def flatCurve(rate) :
    return lambda t : np.exp(-rate*t)

disc = flatCurve(.01)

terms = np.array([.25, .5, 1., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10])
qs = np.array([80, 85, 95, 154, 222, 300, 385, 410, 451, 470, 480])

cps = np.ones(len(terms))*100
insts = [inst.CDS(m, c*1e-4, .4) for m, c in zip(terms, cps)]

#compute the upfront PV of the benchmark instruments
ufr = np.array([i.pv01(disc, flatCurve(f*1e-4))*(c-f)*1e-4 for i, f, c in zip(insts, qs, cps)])

mat_tag = 'Maturity (Y)'
pd.set_option('precision', 4)

cds_data = pd.DataFrame({mat_tag:terms, 'Coupon(bps)':cps, 'Quoted Spread(bps)':qs, 'PV (% Points)': ufr*100.}).set_index(mat_tag)
fmt.displayDF(cds_data.T, "4g")
benchmarks = dict(zip(insts, ufr))
Maturity (Y) 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0
Coupon(bps) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
PV (% Points) 0.04978 0.07448 0.0494 -1.05 -3.475 -7.356 -12.58 -15.92 -20.25 -23.6 -28.63
Quoted Spread(bps) 80 85 95 154 222 300 385 410 451 470 480
  • the CDS contract have standardised semi-annual maturites, on Mar-20 and Sep-20
  • it usually costs more per annum for longer term contracts
  • for most names, there are only a few liquid CDS instruments, referred as the benchmark instruments
  • quoted spreads is a way to communicate the upfront payment, it loosely corresponds to the zero rate or yield in IR

What to interpolate?

It is important to choose the right quantity to interpolate

  • There are many potential choices, e..g: $f(t), f'(t)$ or $\int_0^t f(s) ds$ etc.
  • Which viariable is a natural fit for tension spline's stretch operation?
  • We want the vairable itself to be continous, but can live with the discontinuities in $f'(t)$ when $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$

Industry standard: $$p(t) = e^{-\int_0^t h(s) ds}$$

  • build piecewise flat curve in hazard rate $h(t)$ for CDS:
  • where $p(t)$ is the survival probability of the reference entity at time $t$.

this is quite odd, why don't we use a continuous interpolation in $h(t)$?

  • such as piece wise linear or cubic spline?

Triangular dependency

The objective:

  • build a curve in hazard rate $\bs h(t)$ that exactly reproduce all observed CDS prices quoted in $\bs q(t)$
$h(3m)$ $h(6m)$ $h(1Y)$ $h(2Y)$ $h(5Y)$
$q(3m)$ *
$q(6m)$ * *
$q(1Y)$ * * *
$q(2Y)$ * * * *
$q(5Y)$ * * * * *

Bootstrap is the standard method to build curves with triangular dependency:

  • Solve the knot values one by one, using benchmark instruments with increasing maturities

Piecewise flat bootstrap

  • This is the standard approach to build CDS curves in the industry
  • $g(t)$ is the cumulative hazard: $g(t) = \int_0^t h(s) ds = -\log(p(t))$
  • Piecewise flat in hazard rate $h(t)$ is equivalent to piecewise linear in $g(t)$
In [152]:
cdspv = inst.cdspv(disc, inst.zero2disc)

hlin = lin.PiecewiseLinear(), terms*.01)
hlin.addKnot(0, 0)
hlin = inst.bootstrap(benchmarks, hlin, cdspv, bds = [-1., 1.])
cds_data['PV Error (bps) - Linear'] = np.round([1e4*(cdspv(i, hlin) - benchmarks[i]) for i in insts], 4)

xs = np.arange(.01, 10, .01)

figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(xs, hlin(xs))
plot(terms, hlin(terms), 'o')

subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot(xs, hlin.deriv(xs))
plot(terms, hlin.deriv(terms-1e-4), 'o')

Pros and cons of piecewise flat bootstrap

  • All benchmark prices are exactly matched, after bootstrap with piecewise flat hazard rate.
  • Discontinuity in hazard rate causes hedging problems, risk profiles jump over the roll dates.
In [153]:
fmt.displayDF(cds_data.T, "4g")
Maturity (Y) 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0
Coupon(bps) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
PV (% Points) 0.04978 0.07448 0.0494 -1.05 -3.475 -7.356 -12.58 -15.92 -20.25 -23.6 -28.63
Quoted Spread(bps) 80 85 95 154 222 300 385 410 451 470 480
PV Error (bps) - Linear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

How to remove the discontinuity in hazard rate?

  • applying cubic spline to hazard rate seems to be a natural idea, does it work?

Cumulative hazard

The cumulative hazard $g(t)$ is a suitable variable for the tension spline interpolation:

$$g(t) = \int_0^t h(s) ds = -\log(p(t))$$

  • $g(t)$ is continuous and monotonic, 1 to 1 with $p(t)$
  • $g(0) = 0$, the boundary condition is well defined
  • $h(t) = g'(t)$ can be discountinous when $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$, this reverts to the standard method of piecewise flat hazard rate
  • with finite $\lambda$, hazard rate is smooth and continuous

This argument carries over to the interest rate curve building:

  • the cumulative yield, $y(t) = -\log(b(t))$, is a suitable variable to apply tension spline

Bootstrap with tension spline

In [200]:
def plotboot(tsit, lbd, ax, tagsf) :
    lbd_tag = '$\\lambda=%.f$' % lbd
    df = pd.DataFrame({'$t$':xs}).set_index(['$t$'])
    for tag, f in tagsf.items() :
        df[tag] = f(tsit, xs) 
    df.plot(ax = ax, secondary_y = [tagsf.keys()[1]], title = 'Tension Spline ' + lbd_tag)
    plot(terms, tsit(terms), 'o')

tagsf = {"$g(t)$" : lambda cv, xs : cv(xs), "$h(t)$": lambda cv, xs : cv.deriv(xs)}

lbds = [0, 2, 10, 100]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=[12, 8])

es = []

for lbd, ax in zip(lbds, axes.flatten()) :
    tsit, e = inst.iterboot(benchmarks, cdspv, lbd=lbd, x0=0, its=1)
    plotboot(tsit, lbd, ax, tagsf)  

Bootstrapping with global interpolation

The benchmark CDS won't reprice exactly after the bootstrapping with tension spline:

  • Changes in longer maturity affects the shorter end of the curve
  • The dependency matrix is no longer triangular, but close
In [155]:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(es)*1e4, index=['Fit Error (bps) $\\lambda$=%g' % l for l in lbds], 
                  columns = ['%gY' % t for t in terms])
fmt.displayDF(df, "4f")
0.25Y 0.5Y 1Y 2Y 3Y 4Y 5Y 6Y 7Y 8Y 10Y
Fit Error (bps) $\lambda$=0 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0352 0.7148 1.1093 1.9968 2.1802 2.6090 2.5612 0.8231 0.0000
Fit Error (bps) $\lambda$=2 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0232 0.4637 0.7908 1.2876 1.4579 1.7260 1.7838 0.6388 0.0000
Fit Error (bps) $\lambda$=10 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0098 0.2026 0.3602 0.5634 0.6458 0.7598 0.8039 0.3038 -0.0000
Fit Error (bps) $\lambda$=100 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0013 0.0281 0.0507 0.0782 0.0900 0.1057 0.1128 0.0435 -0.0000

Recall how we force matrix to be triangular using QR algorithm?

Iterative algorithm

Iteration is an effective method for near triangular dependency:

$$\bs x^{i+1} = f(\bs x^i)$$

  • where $f(\cdot)$ represent the bootstrap operation, $\bs x^i$ is knot solutions
  • $\bs x^0$ is a initial guess, e.g. a flat curve
  • simple and effective, usually outperforms sophisticated optimizers

Iteration with mixing

Mixing the old and new results between iterations improves stability:

$$\bs x^{i+1} = m f(\bs x^i) + \left(1-m\right) \bs x^i$$

  • $m = 0.5$ is often a good choice
In [156]:
figure(figsize=[12, 4])
ax = subplot(1, 2, 1)

tsit, e = inst.iterboot(benchmarks, cdspv, x0=0, lbd = lbds[0], its=6)
tsit1, e1 = inst.iterboot(benchmarks, cdspv, x0=0, lbd = lbds[0], mixf=0.5, its=6)

plotboot(tsit, lbds[0], ax, tagsf)    

subplot(1, 2, 2)
semilogy(range(1, len(e)+1), np.transpose([np.linalg.norm(e, 2, 1)*1e4, np.linalg.norm(e1, 2, 1)*1e4]), 'o-')
legend(['no mixing $m=0$', 'mixing $m=0.5$'], loc='best')

title('L-2 norm of error (bps)');

Effects of tension parameter $\lambda$

  • No visible difference in $g(t)$
  • Big difference in the hazard rate $h(t)$
    • the smaller $\lambda$, the smoother the $h(t)$
In [157]:
def pv_lbds(bms, cdspv, lbds, x0) :
    cvs = []
    for lbd in lbds:
        cv, e = inst.iterboot(bms, cdspv, x0, lbd, mixf = 0.5)
    return cvs
In [158]:
lbds = (0, 2, 10, 50)
tags = ['$\\lambda=%.f$' % l for l in lbds]
cv0 = pv_lbds(benchmarks, cdspv, lbds, 0)

figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(xs, np.array([cv(xs) for cv in cv0]).T);

subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot(xs, np.array([cv.deriv(xs) for cv in cv0]).T);
legend(tags, loc='best');

Perturbation locality

Changes in hazard rates are more localized with larger $\lambda$

  • A highly desirable property in practice
In [159]:
def showPerts(bms, bms_ps, cdspv, lbds, x0, pertf) :
    cv0 = pv_lbds(bms, cdspv, lbds, x0=x0)
    cvp1, cvp2 = [pv_lbds(b, cdspv, lbds, x0=x0) for b in bms_ps]
    lbd_tags = ['$\\lambda=%.f$' % lbd for lbd in lbds]

    figure(figsize=[12, 4])

    subplot(1, 2, 1)
    plot(xs, 1e4*np.array([pertf(f, g)(xs) for f, g in zip(cv0, cvp1)]).T);
    ylabel('$\Delta h(t)$ (bps)')
    title('1bps Spread Perturbation @t=%.2f' % pts[0])
    legend(lbd_tags, loc='best');
    plot(terms, 1e4*np.array([pertf(f, g)(terms) for f, g in zip(cv0, cvp1)]).T, '.');

    subplot(1, 2, 2)
    plot(xs, 1e4*np.array([pertf(f, g)(xs) for f, g in zip(cv0, cvp2)]).T);
    ylabel('$\Delta h(t)$ (bps)')
    title('1bps Spread Perturbation @t=%.2f' % pts[1])
    legend(lbd_tags, loc='best');
    plot(terms, 1e4*np.array([pertf(f, g)(terms) for f, g in zip(cv0, cvp2)]).T, '.');
pts = [.5, 5]
bms_ps = [{k if k.maturity != pt else inst.CDS(k.maturity,, k.recovery) : v 
        for k, v in benchmarks.items()} for pt in pts]
showPerts(benchmarks, bms_ps, cdspv, lbds, 0, lambda f, g : lambda xs : f.deriv(xs) - g.deriv(xs))

Interpolate the hazard rate?

The result is disastrous:

  • When $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$, it approaches linear interpolation in the hazard rate
  • Linearly interpolating $h(t)$ leads to zigs and zags
In [160]:
hazard_pv = inst.cdspv(disc, inst.fwd2disc)
x0 = .01
chartf = {'H(t)' : lambda cv, xs : cv.integral(xs), '$h(t)$' : lambda cv, xs : cv(xs), }

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=[12, 4])

lbds = (0, 20)
tsit0, e0 = inst.iterboot(benchmarks, hazard_pv, x0, lbds[0], mixf=.5)
plotboot(tsit0, lbds[0], axes[0], chartf)    

tsit1, e1 = inst.iterboot(benchmarks, hazard_pv, x0, lbds[1], mixf=.5)
plotboot(tsit1, lbds[1], axes[1], chartf) 

Perturbation in a single tenor generates waves throughout the hazard rate term structure.

In [161]:
showPerts(benchmarks, bms_ps, hazard_pv, lbds, x0, lambda f, g : lambda xs : f(xs) - g(xs))

State variable

Generally, it is always better to interpolate the state variable:

  • state variable is the primary determinant of the benchmark price, such as the cumulative hazard $g(t) = -\log(p(t))$
  • the derivatives, like $h(t) = g'(t)$, only changes the prices through its cumulative effects (integral), which leads to zigzags and waves when combined with a continuous interpolation.

bootstrap derivative variables + continuous interpolation = DISASTER


Recommended reading:

  • Bindel and Goodman: Chapter 6.1, 6.2, 7.1

  • Andersen and Piterbarg: Chapter 6.1-6.2, 6.A
