Lecture 5: Deltas and Hedging


  • Derivatives, Deltas and Hedging
  • Risk transformation
  • Hedge Optmization
  • Brownian Bridge
  • Numerical integration
In [1]:
%pylab inline

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import inst 
import fmt

lecture = 5
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Derivatives, Deltas and Hedging

Judd Gregg: Derivatives are a huge, complex issue.

Finite difference

The derivative of a smooth function $f(t)$ can be approximated numerically by finite difference schemes:

  • Forward difference: $\frac{df(x)}{dx} \approx \frac{f(x+\epsilon) - f(x)}{\epsilon} + O(\epsilon)$
  • Backward difference: $\frac{df(x)}{dx} \approx \frac{f(x) - f(x-\epsilon)}{\epsilon} + O(\epsilon)$
  • Central difference: $\frac{df(x)}{dx} \approx \frac{f(x+\epsilon) - f(x-\epsilon)}{2\epsilon} + O(\epsilon^2)$
  • 2nd order derivative: $\frac{d^2f(x)}{dx^2} \approx \frac{f(x+\epsilon) - 2f(x) + f(x-\epsilon)}{\epsilon^2} + O(\epsilon^2)$

Central scheme has higher order of accuracy, requires two valuations of $f$.

  • The accuracy of finite difference schemes can be verified via Taylor expansions.

Generic pricing function

A pricing function can be written very generically as: $\renewcommand{bs}{\boldsymbol} v = v(\bs i, \bs m, \bs c, t)$, the inputs are:

  • $\bs i$: the instrument itself, such as maturity, coupon rate etc
  • $\bs m$: market environment, such as IR, CDS, FX rate etc
  • $\bs c$: model parameters and assumptions,
    • static parameters, e.g.: the tension spline parameter $\lambda$
    • parameters calibrated to market inputs, e.g.: implied vol
  • $t$: time

The pricing function can be viewed as an interpolator.


The following terminologies are often used in practice

  • Delta: 1st order derivative to market environments: $\bs \delta = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs m}$
    • Delta is a vector of size $m$
    • Deltas are in the unit of currency
  • Gamma: 2nd order derivaties to market environments: $\Gamma = \frac{\partial \bs \delta}{\partial \bs m}$
    • Gamma is a $m \times m$ matrix that includes all cross gammas
  • Theta: $\theta = \frac{\partial v}{\partial t}$
  • Delta is also defined for certain common model parameters:
    • Vega: derivative to implied volatility

How to compute Deltas

Deltas are often computed by brute force

  • bump, recalibrate (curves & other model parameters), revalue
  • slow, but generic and robust

Advanced method of computing Delta

  • automatic algorithmic differentiation (AAD)
  • Jacobian inversion

Dynamic hedging

The purpose of dynamic hedging is to remove the unwanted risks:

  • Compute Deltas to all relevant market risk factors
  • Aggregate the risk sensitivities to the portfolio level
  • Put on hedges that netralize the portfolio's sensitivities to unwanted risk factors
  • The hedges are rebalanced frequently
  • Dynamic hedging allows a market maker to trade and risk manage illiquid derivatives
  • Risk managers impose limits on deltas to key risk factors

PnL explain:

  • Attribute daily PnL to market risk factor changes
  • A critical step for a trading desk's operation in practice

At a very high level, the PnL explain is the total derivative:

$$\renewcommand{bs}{\boldsymbol} d v = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs i} d \bs i + \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs m} d \bs m + \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs c} d \bs c + \frac{\partial v}{\partial t} dt $$

  • if the two sides differ a lot, the dynamic hedging is not working
  • on a normal day, the explained PnL should be more than 90%

A Delta hedging example

Given the following liquid benchmark CDS quotes of an issuer:

In [2]:
ir_rate = 0.02
disc = inst.FlatCurve(ir_rate)

terms = np.array([.25, .5, 1., 2, 3, 5, 7, 10])
qs = np.array([80, 85, 95, 154, 222, 385, 451, 480])

cps = np.ones(len(terms))*100
insts = [inst.CDS(m, c*1e-4, .4) for m, c in zip(terms, cps)]

#compute the upfront PV of the benchmark instruments
ufr = np.array([i.pv01(disc, inst.FlatCurve(f*1e-4))*(c-f)*1e-4 for i, f, c in zip(insts, qs, cps)])

mat_tag = 'Maturity (Y)'

cds_data = pd.DataFrame({mat_tag:terms, 'Coupon(bps)':cps, 'Quoted Spread(bps)':qs, 
                         'PV (% Points)': ufr*100.}).set_index(mat_tag)
fmt.displayDF(cds_data.T, "4g")
benchmarks = dict(zip(insts, ufr))

lbdm = 10
Maturity (Y) 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0
Coupon(bps) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
PV (% Points) 0.04965 0.0742 0.04909 -1.038 -3.42 -12.26 -19.57 -27.34
Quoted Spread(bps) 80 85 95 154 222 385 451 480

How to hedge the risk of a long $10MM, 4.5Y, 500bps coupon CDS position?

We make the following assumptions:

  • the interest rate is always a flat curve
    • there is a liquid 5Y zero coupon bond in the market
  • the CDS curve is built using a tension spline with $\lambda = 10$

Why spreads?

The market trades in prices but market participants communicate in spreads:

Instruments Quotes
Bond yield, z-spread, BCDS, OAS
Options implied vol
CDS quoted spread, par spread
ABS/MBS/CLO discount margin

PV01 : the ratio of PV changes in bps over 1bps spread change

The advantages of spread over price includes:

  • free of the dirty/clean price ambiguity
  • comparable between different instruments
  • spreads are annualized, stable over time
    • price of bonds will pull to par at maturity

Replicating and hedging portfolio


  • $v$ is the PV of the trade or portfolio to be hedged
  • $\bs b$ is a vector of benchmark instruments' PVs
    • $\bs b$ is usually in unit notional, by convention
  • $\bs q$ is the vector of benchmark quotes, usually in spreads
    • e.g. the quoted spreads for CDS, par swaps for rates etc

The replicating portfolio $\bs h^T \bs b$ is a benchmark portfolio that has identical first order risk to $v$:

$$\frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q} = \frac{\partial (\bs h^T \bs b)}{\partial \bs q} = \bs h^T \frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q} \iff \bs h^T = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q} (\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q})^{-1} $$

Or more directly:

$$ \bs h^T = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs b} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q}\frac{\partial \bs q}{\partial \bs b} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q}(\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q})^{-1} $$

  • $\frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q}$ are the Deltas of the bespoke instrument
  • $\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q}$ are the Deltas of the benchmark instruments.

$-\bs h^T \bs b$ is the portfolio to netrualize all the first order risks, commonly referred as the hedging portfolio.

  • this equation is the core of a market maker's operation
  • we can trade illiquid instrument and hedge them using liquid benchmarks
  • economy of scale, the hedge is only on the portfolio level

Benchmark Jacobian

$\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q}$ is the Jacobian of benchmark instruments over benchmark quotes

In this example, the benchmark instrument $\bs b$ includes:

  • the standard CDS with 100bps coupon at benchmark tenors
  • the 5Y zero coupon bond

The benchmark quotes $\bs q$ includes:

  • quoted spread for all benchmark tenors
  • the flat interest rate


The benchmark Jacobian is diagonal if the dependency btw $\bs b$ and $\bs q$ is one to one

  • Jacobian $\frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q}$ requires other elements of $\bs q$ remain constant when perturbing one of them
  • other benchmark PVs remain unchanged because their $\bs q$ are hold constant

The $\bs b$ and $\bs q$ are not always one-to-one

  • eg, option price depends on both IR and implied vol
  • the benchmark quote is not diagonal in this case

The benchmark Jacobian is diagonal in our example

  • the diagonal elements of $\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q}$ are the PV01s

When computing benchmark Jacobian numerically, we must re-bootstrap all dependent curves for any perturbations:

  • e.g., the CDS curve needs to be re-bootstrapped to reprice all benchmark instruments, even if we perturb IR
  • survival probability may change, but PVs are kept the same for unperturbed tenors
In [3]:
 def calcDelta(bmks, ir, lbd, trades, pert=1e-4, fpert=inst.pert_bmk) : 
    mkt, pmkt, pkeys, cds = fpert(bmks, disc, lbd=lbd, its=3, pert=pert)
    deltas, pv0 = inst.pv_deltas(mkt, pmkt, trades)
    return deltas/pert, pkeys, cds, pv0

zcb = inst.ZeroCouponBond(maturity = 5.)
bespoke = inst.CDS(maturity=4.5, coupon=0.05, recovery=0.4)
bmks = [zcb] + insts
notional = 10e6
hi_names = ['5Y ZCB'] + ['CDS @%gY' % t for t in terms] # benchmark instruments

deltas, pert_names, cds, _ = calcDelta(benchmarks, disc, lbdm, bmks + [bespoke])
pv01m = deltas[:-1, :]
pv01 = np.diag(pv01m)
db = deltas[-1, :]

fmt.displayDF(pd.DataFrame(pv01, index=hi_names, columns=['PV01']).T, "2f")
5Y ZCB CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.5Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
PV01 4.53 0.25 0.49 0.98 1.91 2.78 4.23 5.32 6.45

Hedging portfolio example

Given the $\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q}$ is diagonal, the hedge notional is simply the bespoke instrument's risks divided by benchmark instruments' PV01:

In [4]:
hedge_items = ['PV01 $= \\frac{\partial b}{\partial q}$', 
               '$\delta = 10^{-4} \\frac{\partial v}{\partial q}$', 'Hedge Not (\$MM)']

df_h_bmk = pd.DataFrame(np.array([pv01, db*notional*1e-4, -db/pv01*notional*1e-6]).T, 
                        index=hi_names, columns=hedge_items).T
fmt.displayDF(df_h_bmk, "2f")
5Y ZCB CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.5Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
PV01 $= \frac{\partial b}{\partial q}$ 4.53 0.25 0.49 0.98 1.91 2.78 4.23 5.32 6.45
$\delta = 10^{-4} \frac{\partial v}{\partial q}$ 390.43 3.38 9.88 45.11 69.88 871.55 3,744.18 -202.84 7.68
Hedge Not (\$MM) -0.86 -0.14 -0.20 -0.46 -0.37 -3.14 -8.85 0.38 -0.01
  • note that the deltas are usually communicated in PV changes for 1bps change in spread, thus the $10^{-4}$ factor.

Compute deltas numerically

Steps to compute $\frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q}$ numerically:

  • bump one tenor point $q_i$, re-bootstrap the whole CDS curve
    • for each tenor point j=1:maturity, root search the knot value of hazard rate $h_j$
      • for each trial value of $h_j$
        • build tension spline interpolation on the whole hazard rate term structure $\bs h$
        • price the benchmark CDS instrument $b_j$,
        • continue root search until $b_j$ matches the market price to a high precision
  • price the besoke instrument $v$ using the bumped curve
  • compute the delta using finite difference

Tension and hedge notional

The tension parameter has a noticeable effects on PV and hedge notionals.

  • all numbers below are in million USD
  • the leaks to longer maturities reduce with larger $\lambda$
In [5]:
def hedgeRatio(lbdm) :
    deltas, _, _, pv0 = calcDelta(benchmarks, disc, lbdm, bmks + [bespoke])
    pv01 = np.diag(deltas[:-1, :])
    db = deltas[-1, :]
    return np.concatenate((pv0[-1:], -db/pv01))

lbds = [0, 2, 10, 50, 5000]
hn = [hedgeRatio(l)*notional for l in lbds]

lkeys = ["$\lambda=%d$" % l for l in lbds]
df_hn = pd.DataFrame(np.array(hn)*1e-6, columns=np.concatenate((['Bespoke PV'], hi_names)), index=lkeys)

fmt.displayDF(df_hn, "3f")
Bespoke PV 5Y ZCB CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.5Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
$\lambda=0$ 0.567 -0.840 -0.344 0.271 -1.095 1.011 -4.248 -9.625 1.441 -0.215
$\lambda=2$ 0.553 -0.846 -0.146 -0.140 -0.578 0.099 -3.507 -9.329 0.904 -0.077
$\lambda=10$ 0.541 -0.863 -0.136 -0.200 -0.461 -0.366 -3.136 -8.853 0.381 -0.012
$\lambda=50$ 0.534 -0.875 -0.140 -0.211 -0.440 -0.544 -3.014 -8.541 0.100 -0.001
$\lambda=5000$ 0.532 -0.880 -0.141 -0.214 -0.436 -0.600 -2.979 -8.424 0.001 0.000

Valuation and hedging ambiguity?

The PV and hedge notionals depend on $\lambda$

  • two parties may not agree on the PVs and risks of the trades, because of model differences
    • the quoted spreads are a few bps apart due to different $\lambda$
    • this contributes to a wider bid/offer for off-the-runs
    • a common headache in operation, e.g. collateral posting
  • the ambiguity is a reflection of incomplete market, not an arbitrage opportunity

Dynamic hedging in practice:

  • can't possibly remove all risks, eg. jump-to-default risk
  • the cost of hedging over time won't add up to the PV of the instruments

Risk Transformation

Warren Buffet: Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.

CDS big bang

The big bang of CDS standardisation occured in 2010:

Era Liquid Instruments Quoting Convention At Trade Inception Counterparty
before par spread CDS par spreads $PV=0$,
no cash exchange
after standardised CDS with 100/500 cpn quoted spreads, upfront $PV \ne 0$,
cash exchange
central clearing

At its core, it is simply a change in the liquid benchmark instruments.

  • the quoting convention change is a side product
  • ISDA publishes a one-day-lagged IR curve for the conversion of quoted spreads to PV, to ensure that the standardised CDS PV is solely determined by the corresponding quoted spread.

Real world hedging problem

However, your bank's IT system hasn't been updated in time (it never does).

In your bank:

  • end of day valuation still builds CDS curves from the par CDS spread
  • traders have to continue marking the par spreads, even though they all trade standardised CDS using quoted spreads
  • risks (Deltas) are all computed with regard to par CDS

From your bank's system point of view (contrary to the market):

  • the par CDS is still the benchmark instruments
  • the standardised CDS are the bespoke instruments you now have to hedge your positions with

How do you continue to trade and hedge your book?

Par spread $\leftrightarrow$ quoted spread

the equivalent par CDS spreads ($\bs p$) and quoted spreads ($\bs q$) are shown below.

  • the conversion btw par spreads $\bs p$ and quoted spreads $\bs q$ is easy
    • $\bs q \rightarrow$ CDS curve $\rightarrow \bs p \rightarrow$ CDS Curve
    • the last step is done by the end of day official IT system
  • CDS curves built from converted $\bs q$ and $\bs p$ are identical
In [6]:
pars = np.array([i.par(disc, inst.zero2disc(cds)) for i in insts])
cds_data['Par Coupon (bps)'] = pars*1e4
fmt.displayDF(cds_data.T, "3g")
bmk_par = {inst.CDS(i.maturity, s, .4) : 0 for i, s in zip(insts, pars)}
Maturity (Y) 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0
Coupon(bps) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
PV (% Points) 0.0497 0.0742 0.0491 -1.04 -3.42 -12.3 -19.6 -27.3
Quoted Spread(bps) 80 85 95 154 222 385 451 480
Par Coupon (bps) 80 85 95 154 223 390 468 524

where do the par spread and quoted spread diverge?

What people often do

Compute the hedge ratio as:

  • computes bespoke trade's deltas to par spreads: $\frac{\partial v}{\partial p_i}$
  • compute the PV01 of standardised CDS to par spreads, i.e, $\frac{\partial b_i}{\partial p_i}$
  • compute the hedge notional as the ratio of the bespoke delta and PV01s, both to par spread

The following are the results:

In [7]:
deltas_p, pert_names, _, _ = calcDelta(bmk_par, disc, lbdm, bmks + [bespoke])
pv01m_p = deltas_p[:-1, :]
pv01_p = np.diag(pv01m_p)
db_p = deltas_p[-1, :]

hedge_items_p = [l.replace(' q', ' p') for l in hedge_items]
hn_p = pd.DataFrame(np.array([pv01_p, db_p*notional*1e-4, -db_p/pv01_p*notional*1e-6]).T, 
                        index=hi_names, columns=hedge_items_p).T

fmt.displayDF(hn_p, "2f")
5Y ZCB CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.5Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
PV01 $= \frac{\partial b}{\partial p}$ 4.53 0.25 0.49 0.98 1.90 2.74 4.00 4.97 5.77
$\delta = 10^{-4} \frac{\partial v}{\partial p}$ 124.94 1.17 3.38 16.16 -2.26 710.73 3,556.26 -181.90 6.28
Hedge Not (\$MM) -0.28 -0.05 -0.07 -0.17 0.01 -2.59 -8.89 0.37 -0.01

is incorrect

There are serious errors in the resulting hedging portfolio

  • in particular the IR hedge amount is very wrong
  • leading to mishedges, confusions and headaches
In [8]:
ih = -db_p.dot(np.linalg.inv(pv01m_p))*notional
hns = pd.DataFrame([-db_p/pv01_p*notional, -db/pv01*notional, ih], columns=hi_names, 
                    index=['Par CDS $\\delta$/PV01', 'Exact H/N', 'Inverted H/N'])
fmt.displayDF(hns[:-1]*1e-6, "4f")
5Y ZCB CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.5Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
Par CDS $\delta$/PV01 -0.2761 -0.0472 -0.0685 -0.1651 0.0119 -2.5896 -8.8937 0.3662 -0.0109
Exact H/N -0.8628 -0.1362 -0.2001 -0.4611 -0.3656 -3.1362 -8.8529 0.3814 -0.0119

The root cause is that the $\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs p}$ is not a diagonal matrix

  • $\bs p$ is quotes for par CDS instruments, it is not one to one with $\bs b$, the standardised CDS
  • this incorrect procedure ignores all off diagonal elements in $\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs p}$

The following is the full Jacobian matrix of the standardised CDS with 100bps coupon to par spread perturbations $\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs p}$:

In [9]:
fmt.displayDF(pd.DataFrame(pv01m_p, index=hi_names, columns=pert_names), "4f")
IR CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.50Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
5Y ZCB 4.5253 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CDS @0.25Y 0.0001 0.2481 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
CDS @0.5Y 0.0003 0.0002 0.4940 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000
CDS @1Y 0.0003 0.0000 0.0002 0.9788 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
CDS @2Y -0.0115 -0.0005 -0.0015 -0.0067 1.9003 0.0004 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
CDS @3Y -0.0543 -0.0011 -0.0032 -0.0140 -0.0377 2.7446 0.0005 -0.0000 0.0000
CDS @5Y -0.3067 -0.0022 -0.0065 -0.0287 -0.0708 -0.1771 3.9986 0.0094 -0.0003
CDS @7Y -0.6523 -0.0023 -0.0068 -0.0303 -0.0750 -0.1833 -0.4337 4.9664 0.0077
CDS @10Y -1.2097 -0.0020 -0.0058 -0.0257 -0.0635 -0.1556 -0.3520 -0.7054 5.7724

For comparison, we also the full Jacobian matrix of stardardised CDS to quoted spreads $\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q}$, showing that it is indeed diagonal, so we can take the PV01 short cut.

In [10]:
fmt.displayDF(pd.DataFrame(pv01m, index=hi_names, columns=pert_names), '4f')
IR CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.50Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
5Y ZCB 4.5253 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CDS @0.25Y 0.0000 0.2479 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000
CDS @0.5Y 0.0000 0.0000 0.4937 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CDS @1Y -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9785 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CDS @2Y -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 1.9111 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000
CDS @3Y -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 2.7790 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000
CDS @5Y 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 4.2293 0.0000 0.0000
CDS @7Y 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5.3189 0.0000
CDS @10Y -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 6.4548

Full inversion

The following hedge ratio and notional are obtained by inverting the full Jacobian matrix of standardised CDS to par spreads:

$$\bs h^T = - \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs p} (\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs p})^{-1} $$

We did get the correct hedging portfolio.

In [11]:
fmt.displayDF(hns*1e-6, "4f")
5Y ZCB CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.5Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
Par CDS $\delta$/PV01 -0.2761 -0.0472 -0.0685 -0.1651 0.0119 -2.5896 -8.8937 0.3662 -0.0109
Exact H/N -0.8628 -0.1362 -0.2001 -0.4611 -0.3656 -3.1362 -8.8529 0.3814 -0.0119
Inverted H/N -0.8627 -0.1362 -0.2001 -0.4610 -0.3656 -3.1361 -8.8530 0.3814 -0.0119

Delta transformation

Jacobian can transform Deltas to different market quotes:

$$ \frac{\partial v}{\partial{\bs q}} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs p} \frac{\partial \bs p}{\partial \bs b} \frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs p} \left(\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs p}\right)^{-1} \frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q} $$

  • simply a change of variables in multi-variate calculus
  • the right hand side can be computed without upgrading the system
    • the first factor in the RHS is the only time-consuming part

Be all inclusive

It is important to include all risk factors in the Jacobian matrix

  • a common mistake is to leave out the IR from the Jacobian
  • missing any risk factor in the Jacobian will lead to slow PnL bleeding that is very difficult to detect
  • rigorous PnL explain process can help identify such problems

Deltas to internal state variables

The Jacobian matrix can also be used to speed up the delta calculation.

  • So far, we compute the deltas to market observables, such as quoted spreads or par spreads.
  • But this is not the only choice, we could compute deltas to model's internal state variables instead.

Let consider computing all deltas of CDS to the cumulative hazard $g(t)$, which is a the natural state variable of the curve interpolation:

$$ \frac{\partial v}{\partial{\bs q}} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs g} \frac{\partial \bs g}{\partial \bs b} \frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs g} \left(\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs g}\right)^{-1}\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q} $$

  • $\bs g$ is the value of $g(t)$ at the benchmark tenors
  • the $\frac{\partial \bs q}{\partial \bs b}$ is a diagonal matrix of 1/PV01

Fast delta calculation

$$ \frac{\partial v}{\partial{\bs q}} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs g} \left(\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs g}\right)^{-1}\frac{\partial \bs b}{\partial \bs q} $$

  • the right hand side is much easier to compute than $\frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q}$
  • RHS no longer requires re-bootstraping the curves

The same Detlas are computed at a much lower cost that the brute-force bump and recalc.

In [12]:
def calcCurveDelta(ir, cds, lbd, trades, pert=1e-4) :
    mkt, mktp, pkeys, _ = inst.pert_curve(ir, cds, pert) 
    deltas, _ = inst.pv_deltas(mkt, mktp, trades)

    return deltas/pert, pkeys, cds

deltas_c, _, _ = calcCurveDelta(disc, cds, lbdm, bmks + [bespoke])
pv01m_c = deltas_c[:-1, :]
pv01_c = np.diag(pv01m_c)
db_c = deltas_c[-1, :]
id_c = db_c.dot(np.linalg.inv(pv01m_c)).dot(pv01m)

hn_c = pd.DataFrame(np.array([db_c, db, id_c]).T*1e-4*notional, index=hi_names,
                      columns=['$\delta$ to $g(t)$', '$\delta$ to quoted spreads', 
                               'Inverted $\delta$ to q.s.']).T

fmt.displayDF(hn_c, "2f")
5Y ZCB CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.5Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
$\delta$ to $g(t)$ 23.29 14.79 21.39 46.59 43.09 185.00 353.27 -11.77 0.25
$\delta$ to quoted spreads 390.43 3.38 9.88 45.11 69.88 871.55 3,744.18 -202.84 7.68
Inverted $\delta$ to q.s. 390.43 3.38 9.88 45.11 69.88 871.68 3,744.57 -203.01 7.69

Hedge Optimization

Edmund North: there's a difference between a gamble and a calculated risk.

Cost of hedging

Hedging are costly in practice

  • bid/ask, capital, financing, rebalancing etc

But not hedging is usually more costly

We need to minimize the cost of hedging

  • desks/traders often choose not to zero out all unwanted risks
  • there are only a limited number of liquid and cost effective hedging instruments

How to get the best results using a limited number of hedging instruments?

define what is best first,

Hedge optimization

We can formulate the problem as an optimization problem:

  • a set of benchmark instruments $\bs b$ with quotes $\bs q$
  • limited set of hedging instruments $\bs u$, whose deltas to $\bs q$ is the Jacobian $J = \frac{\partial \bs u}{\partial \bs q}$
    • the dimension of $\bs u$ is smaller than $\bs q$, $J$ is rectangular
  • the portfolio PV is $v$ and its deltas are: $\bs d = (\frac{\partial v}{\partial \bs q})^T$
  • we use $\bs h$ to represent the best replicating portfolio, it has the same dimension as $\bs u$
    • the hedging portfolio is of course $-\bs h$

Partial hedge

Partial hedge is to take the subset of the full hedging portfolio, keeping notionals unchanged.

  • simple, but it is a starting point
  • we can use it as a baseline to evaluate other hedging stategies

Can we apply PCA analysis?

  • Yes, just zero out the PVs for the first few PCs of the covariance of changes.
  • People actually do this in practice

Minimize the residual risk

The residual risk is the remaining risk after including the hedges, we can find a replicating portfolio that minimizes its L-2 norm:

$$\min_{\bs h} \Vert J^T \bs {h - d} \Vert_2$$

  • a standard least square problem, the solution is:

$$ \bs h = (JJ^T)^{-1}J\bs d $$

  • this approach is simple and useful in practice

Ridge regression is an easy improvement, by adding a penalty of $\lambda \Vert W \bs h \Vert_2^2$:

$$ \bs h = (JJ^T + \lambda W^T W)^{-1}J\bs d $$

Minimize the variance

Given the covariance matrix $V$ of the risk factors $\bs q$'s daily changes, the variance of the hedged portfolio is:

$$\text{var} = (J^T \bs {h - d})^T V (J^T \bs {h - d})$$

The optimal replicating portfolio that minimizes the var is:

$$\small \begin{array} \\ \frac{\partial \text{var}}{\partial \bs h} &= 2(J^T \bs {h - d})^T V \frac{\partial(J^T \bs {h - d})}{\partial \bs h} = 2(J^T \bs {h - d})^T V J^T = \bs 0 \\ \bs h^T JVJ^T &= \bs d^T V J^T \iff JVJ^T \bs h = J V \bs d \\ \bs h &= (JVJ^T)^{-1} J V \bs d \end{array}$$

  • this approach takes into account the covariance of risk factors.

The Ridge version is:

$$\bs h = (JVJ^T + \lambda W^T W)^{-1} J V \bs d $$

Numerical example

We use the previous example to illustrate the effects of different hedges.

  • Suppose only the ZCB and 5Y CDS are cost effective to trade
    • not an uncommon situation in the credit market
  • Our bank's system only computes risks to par CDS spreads, but the hedging instruments are the standardised CDS
  • The bespoke trade is long $10MM, 4.5Y and 500bps

The Jacobian $J = \frac{\partial \bs u}{\partial \bs p}$ is:

In [13]:
hi = np.array([0, 6])
hnm = ['ZCB', '5Y CDS']
jac = np.array(pv01m_p)[hi, :].T
lsqm = np.linalg.inv(jac.T.dot(jac)).dot(jac.T)
fmt.displayDF(pd.DataFrame(jac.T, index = hnm, columns=pert_names), "4g")
IR CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.50Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
ZCB 4.525 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5Y CDS -0.3067 -0.002196 -0.006453 -0.02874 -0.07083 -0.1771 3.999 0.009446 -0.0003262

A stylized market

Correlation of daily rates changes:

In [14]:
n = len(hi_names)

corr = np.fromfunction(lambda i, j : .98**(abs(i-j)), (n, n))
corr[0, 1:] = corr[1:, 0] = 0
sig = np.eye(n)*15e-4
sig[0, 0] = 5e-4
cov = sig.dot(corr).dot(sig.T)
fmt.displayDF(pd.DataFrame(corr, index=hi_names, columns=hi_names), "3g")

varm = np.linalg.inv(jac.T.dot(cov).dot(jac)).dot(jac.T).dot(cov)
opt_var = varm.dot(db_p)
5Y ZCB CDS @0.25Y CDS @0.5Y CDS @1Y CDS @2Y CDS @3Y CDS @5Y CDS @7Y CDS @10Y
5Y ZCB 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CDS @0.25Y 0 1 0.98 0.96 0.941 0.922 0.904 0.886 0.868
CDS @0.5Y 0 0.98 1 0.98 0.96 0.941 0.922 0.904 0.886
CDS @1Y 0 0.96 0.98 1 0.98 0.96 0.941 0.922 0.904
CDS @2Y 0 0.941 0.96 0.98 1 0.98 0.96 0.941 0.922
CDS @3Y 0 0.922 0.941 0.96 0.98 1 0.98 0.96 0.941
CDS @5Y 0 0.904 0.922 0.941 0.96 0.98 1 0.98 0.96
CDS @7Y 0 0.886 0.904 0.922 0.941 0.96 0.98 1 0.98
CDS @10Y 0 0.868 0.886 0.904 0.922 0.941 0.96 0.98 1

Std dev of daily rates changes:

  • interest rate: 5bps
  • CDS spreads for all tenors: 15bps

Optimal hedges

  • The optimal hedging portfolios (in \$MM) using different methods for the bespoke trade:
In [15]:
opt_l2 = lsqm.dot(db_p).T
opt_ph = (db/pv01)[hi]
opt_pfs = [np.zeros(len(opt_l2)), opt_ph, opt_l2, opt_var]

l2 = np.array([np.linalg.norm(jac.dot(np.array(p)) - db_p, 2) for p in opt_pfs])*1e-4
vv = np.array([(jac.dot(np.array(p)) - db_p).T.dot(cov).dot((jac.dot(np.array(p)) - db_p)) 
               for p in opt_pfs])

df_opt = pd.DataFrame(np.array(opt_pfs).T, index=hnm, 
                      columns=['Unhedged', 'Partial hedge', 'Min residual risk', 'Min var']).T

df_opt['L2 norm of residual risk'] = l2
df_opt['Std dev of daily PnL'] = np.sqrt(vv)

fmt.displayDF(-df_opt.ix[:, :-2].T*notional*1e-6, "3f")
Unhedged Partial hedge Min residual risk Min var
ZCB -0.000 -0.863 -0.872 -1.020
5Y CDS -0.000 -8.853 -8.793 -10.974
  • The performances of these portfolios matches our expectations
In [16]:
fmt.displayDF(df_opt.ix[:, -2:].T*notional, "5g")
Unhedged Partial hedge Min residual risk Min var
L2 norm of residual risk 3,633.3 891.42 891.07 1,247.5
Std dev of daily PnL 61,511 12,292 12,615 3,179.6
  • The variance minimization is an effective hedging strategy.


In practice, we usually don't actively hedge Theta, instead we monitor it

  • Source of Theta includes reduction in maturity and accrual of coupon
  • The passing of time is not volatile, it is not considered a risk factor
  • Different hedges can lead to different theta profile
  • It is neither feasible nor necessary to maintain a flat theta

Theta and convexity are often the trade off.

  • Positive theta usually means negative convexity, and vice versa

Brownian Bridge

Interpolate the Brownian motion

Sometimes, we want to interpolate stochastically using Brownian motion:

  • Fill in missing historical data
  • Pricing model needs finer steps than what the simulation model produces
  • the exact stochastic path is costly to compute, we want to approximate the true path using larger sampling steps

Suppose $\bs w(t)$ is a n-dimensional brownian motion, and $\bs v_T$ is its (known) terminal value, then:

$$ \bs w_b(t) = \bs w(t) - \frac{t}{T} (\bs w(T) - \bs v_T)$$

is the Brownian Bridge. Note that $\bs w(t)$ can be correlated.

Examples of Brownian Bridge

A one dimensional Brownian Bridge with $w(1) = 10$:

In [17]:
nt = 100.
w = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(size=[1000, nt]), 1)
dt = arange(nt)/nt

figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(dt, w[:3, :].T, label="_nolegend_")
plot(dt, np.std(w, 0), 'k', linewidth=2)
legend(["std dev"])

ve = 10
subplot(1, 2, 2)
b = np.array([p - (p[-1] - ve)*dt for p in w])
plot(dt, b[:3, :].T, label="_nolegend_")
plot(dt, np.std(b, 0), 'k', linewidth=2)
legend(["std dev"])
-c:2: VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future

Numerical Integration

Quadrature rules

To compute the definite integral of a one dimensional function:

$$ \int_a^b f(x) dx $$

  • Rectangle rule: $ \int_a^b f(x) dx \approx (b-a)f(b) $
  • Trapezoidal rule: $ \int_a^b f(x) dx \approx (b-a)\frac{f(a) + f(b)}{2} $
  • Simpson's rule: $\int_a^b f(x) dx \approx \frac{b-a}{6}[f(a) + 4 f(\frac{a+b}{2}) + f(b)] $

In practice, there is almost never a need to go beyond the Simpson's rule.

  • We sometime run into (nearly) discountinuous $f(x)$, where the simple Trapezoidal rule works very well.
  • Adaptive method can be used to achieve a desired level of acccuracy

Accuracy of numerical integration

If the interval $[a, b]$ is divided into $N$ equal steps, then the numerical errors of the $\int_a^b f(x) dx$ for smooth function $f(x)$ are:

Rectangle Trapezoidal Simpson
$O(\frac{1}{N})$ $O(\frac{1}{N^2})$ $O(\frac{1}{N^4})$
In [18]:
import lin

def plotIntegral(f, x, xs, lines) :
    plot(xs, f(xs))
    for k, l in lines.items() :
        l.build(x, f(x))
        plot(xs, l(xs))
    legend(['$f(x)$'] + lines.keys(), loc='best')

intRules = {"Rect":lin.PiecewiseFlat(), "Trapozoidal":lin.PiecewiseLinear(), "Simpson":lin.Quadratic()}

f = np.sin
x0 = 0.
x1 = 4.
dx = 2.

x = np.arange(x0, x1 + 1e-10, dx/2)
xs = np.arange(x0, x1 + 1e-10, .02)

figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plotIntegral(f, x, xs, intRules)
plot(x, f(x), 'o');

subplot(1, 2, 2)
x = np.arange(x0, x1 + 1e-10, dx/4)
plotIntegral(f, x, xs, intRules)
plot(x, f(x), 'o');


Recommended Reading:

  • Andersen and Piterbarg: 6.4
