Let's consider the simple average estimator for $\mathbb{E}[\tilde x]$:
$$\renewcommand{var}{\text{var}}\renewcommand{std}{\text{std}}\renewcommand{cov}{\text{cov}}\renewcommand{bs}{\boldsymbol} \hat{u} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_i x_i$$The minimum number of samples erquired for a given accuracy $\epsilon$ is:
$$\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} = \epsilon \iff n = \frac{\sigma^2}{\epsilon^2}$$The total computation cost is therefore roughly $c(x_i)\frac{\sigma^2}{\epsilon^2}$:
Variance reduction is extremely important in practice
Sample an alternative random variable $\tilde y$ that has identical mean but smaller variance than $\tilde x$:
Use more efficient estimator than the mean of independent random samples:
Suppose $\tilde x(\bs w(t))$ is driven by an multi-d Brownian motion $\bs w(t)$,
$$\tilde y = \frac{1}{2} \left(\tilde x\left(\bs w\left(t\right)\right) + \tilde x\left(-\bs w\left(t\right)\right)\right) $$Effectiveness depends on the payoff:
works the best when the $\tilde x$ is a linearish function of the underlying $\bs w(t)$
x = np.arange(0, 11, .1) -5
figure(figsize=[14, 4])
subplot(1, 3, 1)
plot(x, (x+5)**1.5);
title('Very effective', fontsize=18)
xlabel('$w(t)$', fontsize=16)
subplot(1, 3, 2)
plot(x, np.maximum((x+7)**1.5 - 10, 0))
title('Somewhat effective', fontsize=18)
xlabel('$w(t)$', fontsize=16)
subplot(1, 3, 3)
plot(x, np.maximum(5-.5*x**2, 0))
ylim(0, 6.)
title('Ineffective', fontsize=18);
xlabel('$w(t)$', fontsize=16);
Antithetic variate is often abused in practice
Exotic trades are often 90% vanilla, but with a small exotic feature
We therefore price the (exotic - vanilla) instead of the full exotic instrument:
Express the idea of diffs formally:
$$ \tilde y = \tilde x + \beta (v - \tilde v) $$$\beta$ is determined by minimizing $\tilde y$'s variance:
$$\begin{array}{l} \var[\tilde y] &= \cov(\tilde y, \tilde y) = \cov(\tilde x -\beta \tilde v, \tilde x -\beta \tilde v) \\ &= \sigma_x^2 - 2 \beta \cov(\tilde x, \tilde v) + \beta^2 \sigma_v^2 \\ \frac{\partial \var[\tilde y]}{\partial \beta} &= -2 \cov(\tilde x, \tilde v) + 2\beta \sigma_v^2 = 0 \\ \beta^* &= \frac{\cov(\tilde x, \tilde v)}{\sigma_v^2} = \frac{\rho(\tilde x, \tilde v)\sigma_x}{\sigma_v} \end{array}$$The minimum variance is therefore: $\var[\tilde y] = \sigma_x^2\left(1-\rho^2(\tilde x, \tilde v)\right)$
Consider the following Asian call option:
A straight Monte Carlo simulation of 100,000 paths yields:
import proc, time
s0, k, vol, tm, dt, r = 100., 100., .25, 1., 1./12, 0.02
n = int(tm/dt + 1e-6) # why 1e-6?
gbm = proc.GBM(r, vol)
disc = np.exp(-r*tm)
def mc0(p, es) :
ss = gbm.draw(es, s0, dt)
x = np.maximum(np.mean(ss, 1) - k, 0)*disc
return np.mean(x), np.sqrt(np.var(x)/p)
p0 = 100000
tic = time.clock()
es = np.random.normal(size=[p0, n])
u0, e0 = mc0(p0, es)
t0 = time.clock() - tic
df = pd.DataFrame([p0, u0, e0], index=['Paths', 'Value', 'MC error'], columns=['Asian Call'])
fmt.displayDF(df.T, "3g", 4)
Paths | Value | MC error | |
Asian Call | 1e+05 | 6.63 | 0.0324 |
We use the European option with the same strike and maturity as control
import inst
euro_call_v = inst.BlackScholes.callPrice(r, s0, k, tm, vol)
euro_call_f = lambda ss : np.maximum(ss[:,-1]-k, 0.)*disc
asian_call_f = lambda ss: np.maximum(np.mean(ss, 1) - k, 0)*disc
def mc_cv(p, xf, vf, ve) :
es = np.random.normal(size=[p, n])
ss = gbm.draw(es, s0, dt)
x = xf(ss)
v = vf(ss)
rho = np.corrcoef(x, v)[0, 1]
beta = rho*np.std(x)/np.std(v)
y = x + beta*(ve - v)
return np.mean(y), np.sqrt(np.var(y)/p), x, v, rho, beta
tic = time.clock()
cv1 = mc_cv(p0, asian_call_f, euro_call_f, euro_call_v)
t1 = time.clock() - tic
def chart_cv(cv, actual, t, p, control) :
u, e, x, v, rho, beta = cv
fig = figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(x[:1000], v[:1000], '.')
xlabel('Asian option payoff', fontsize=16)
ylabel(control, fontsize=16)
title('$\\tilde x$ vs. $\\tilde v$', fontsize=18);
subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax.text(0, .75, "$\\rho=%.4f, \; \\beta^*=%.4f$" % (rho, beta), size="xx-large")
ax.text(0, .63, "Speedup limit: $\\frac{1}{1-\\rho^2} =$ %.2f, actual %.2f" % \
(1./(1.-rho*rho), actual), size="xx-large")
ax.text(0, .50, "Controlled MC valuation: %.3f $\\pm$ %.3f" % (u, e), size="xx-large")
ax.text(0, .40, "%s paths took %.3g sec" % ("{:,}".format(p), t), size="xx-large")
e1 = cv1[1]
chart_cv(cv1, t0/t1*e0*e0/e1/e1, t1, p0, "European option payoff")
Can we do better than a 4x speed up? You bet!
Consider the geomeric mean of the stock prices:
$$ g = \exp\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} \log\left(s\left(i\delta\right)\right)\right) $$Consider a call option with the following payoff:
$$\left(g - k\right)^+$$The results using the geometric Asian option control:
tic = time.clock()
cv2 = mc_cv(p0, asian_call_f, g_call_f, cvc[0])
t2 = time.clock() - tic
chart_cv(cv2, t0/t2*(e0/cv2[1])**2, t2, p0, "Geometric average option")
Disclaimer: such dramatic reduction in variance is not typical:
AV is a poor man's control variate:
$$\begin{array}{l} \tilde y &= \frac{1}{2} \left(\tilde x\left(\bs w\left(t\right)\right) + \tilde x\left(-\bs w\left(t\right)\right)\right) \\ &= \tilde x\left(\bs w\left(t\right)\right) + \frac{1}{2} \left(\tilde x\left(-\bs w\left(t\right)\right) - \tilde x\left(\bs w\left(t\right)\right) \right) \\ \end{array}$$The control variate is $\tilde v = \frac{1}{2} \left(\tilde x\left(\bs w\left(t\right)\right) - \tilde x\left(-\bs w\left(t\right)\right) \right)$, and $v = \mathbb E[\tilde v] = 0 $
Control variate is the most potent variance reduction technique,
It can also be used to compute deltas with Monte Carlo simulation
You have a 99% chance of winning the lottery!
We often need to simulate rare or extreme events:
Simulating rare events is very inefficient,
Consider buying a lottery ticket that pays $g = $\$1 billion, with the chance of winning being $p$:
The variance of the payoff is:
$$\var[\tilde x] = \mathbb{E}[\tilde x^2] - \mathbb{E}[\tilde x]^2 = g^2(p - p^2)$$Suppose we want to price the payoff to a relative accuracy of 1% using Monte Carlo, then the minimum number of sample path $n$ is:
$$ g \sqrt{\frac{p-p^2}{n}} < .01 g\cdot p \iff n > 10^4\frac{1-p}{p}$$The relationship between $p$ and the computational costs:
import fmt
p = np.array([1e-8, 1e-4, .01, .1, .5, .9, .99, 1-1e-4])
n = 1e4*(1-p)/p
df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([p, n]), index=["$p$", "Min Paths"])
df = df.T.set_index("$p$")
fmt.displayDF(df.T, "4g", 4)
$p$ | 1e-08 | 0.0001 | 0.01 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 0.99 | 0.9999 |
Min Paths | 1e+12 | 9.999e+07 | 9.9e+05 | 9e+04 | 1e+04 | 1,111 | 101 | 1 |
Consider the following scenario of winning odds $p=10^{-8}$:
Why and how the MC error estimation failed us?
Because of the large error of MC error $\sqrt{\frac{\beta-1}{4n}}\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$, in this case the kurtosis $\beta$ is very large, $\beta >> n = 10,000$.
The expected payoff is the same between the two lotteries:
Let's pretend that we are playing lottery #2 in the MC.
Everybody wins!
What we are doing is really a change of measure
An intuitive special case:
$$\begin{array}{l} \mathbb{E}^\mathbb{Q}\left[\tilde x\right] = \int x q(x) dx = \int x \frac{q(x)}{p(x)} p(x) dx = \mathbb{E}^\mathbb{P}\left[\tilde x \frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P}\right] \end{array}$$Given the following equality,
$$ \mathbb{E}^\mathbb{Q}\left[\tilde x\right] = \mathbb{E}^{\mathbb{P}}\left[\tilde x \frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P}\right]$$We can compute $\mathbb{E}^{\mathbb Q}[\tilde x]$ by one of the two ways:
Note that the $\tilde x$ samples from different measures have different distributions.
The importance sampling estimator is therefore:
$$\small \mathbb{E}^{\mathbb Q}[\tilde x] = \mathbb{E}^{\mathbb{P}}\left[\tilde x \frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P}\right] \approx \frac{1}{n} \sum_i (x_i \frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P}) =\sum_i \frac{1}{n} \frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P} x_i = \sum_i q_i x_i$$
where $q_i = \frac{1}{n} \frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P}$ are unequal probability weights associated with each $x_i$.
from scipy.stats import norm
x = np.arange(-7, 4, .1)
p = norm.pdf(x)
u = -3
z = np.exp(-u*x + .5*u*u)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([norm.pdf(x), norm.pdf(x-u), z]), index=x,
columns=['$\\mathbb{Q}$', '$\\mathbb{P}$', '$\\frac{d \\mathbb{Q}}{d \\mathbb {P}}$'])
fig = figure(figsize=[12, 4])
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
df.plot(ax=ax1, secondary_y=['$\\frac{d \\mathbb{Q}}{d \\mathbb {P}}$']);
ax1.text(-5, .05, "area of interests", size="x-large");
title('Probability Densities', fontsize=16)
subplot(1, 2, 2)
ns = 500
xs_q = np.random.normal(size=[ns]) # Q sample
xs_p = xs_q + u # P sample
qs = 1./ns*np.ones(ns)
zs = np.exp(-u*xs_p + .5*u*u) # R-N derivative
ps = qs*zs
ps = ps/sum(ps) # normalize
nn = 100
semilogy(xs_q[:nn], qs[:nn], '.b')
semilogy(xs_p[:nn], ps[:nn], '.g')
ylabel('Probability Weights')
legend(['Original Samples', 'Importance Samples'], loc='best');
title('100 Discrete Samples', fontsize=16);
text(-4.8, 1e-2, "area of interests", size="x-large");
Suppose $\tilde x \sim N(0, 1)$ in $\mathbb Q$ measure, but we want to sample more in the area of interests around $d = -3$: $$ \renewcommand{intf}{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}}$$ $$ \small \mathbb E^{\mathbb Q} [f(\tilde x)] = \intf f(x) \phi(x) dx = \intf f(x) \frac{\phi(x)}{\phi(x-d)}\phi(x-d) dx = \mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[f(\tilde x) \frac{d \mathbb{Q}}{d \mathbb {P}}] $$
$$ \small \frac{d \mathbb{Q}}{d \mathbb {P}} = \frac{\phi(x)}{\phi(x-d)} = \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2}\left(x^2 - (x-d)^2\right)\right) = \exp(-xd + \frac{1}{2}d^2) $$The one factor Gaussian copula model is by far the most infamous model in quant finance,
$$\tilde x_i = \sqrt{\rho} \tilde m + \sqrt{1-\rho} \tilde \epsilon_i$$The one-factor Gaussian copula is often used to model the correlated defaults,
The resulting default time $\tau_i$ and default indicators $\ind_i$ are correlated through $m$
figure(figsize=[10, 6])
ts = np.arange(0, 30, .01)
h = .1
p = np.exp(-h*ts)
plot(ts, p)
xlabel('Time (Y)', fontsize=16)
ylabel('Suvival Prob', fontsize=16)
u = .1
t = -np.log(u)/h
plot([0, t], [u, u], 'r')
plot([t, t], [0, u], 'r')
plot(t, u, 'o');
u = .8
t = -np.log(u)/h
plot([0, t], [u, u], 'k')
plot([t, t], [0, u], 'k')
plot(t, u, 'o');
legend(['Survival Prob $p(t)$']);
IRC is part of the Basel 2.5 capital requirement for credit risks:
A stylized IRC example:
The IRC can be computed using straight MC.
The straight MC converges slowly:
nn, rho = 100, .7
nsim = 40000
p = .99*np.ones(nn)
p[:5] = .95
b = 20
lgdl = 5e6
lgdh = 9e6
def irc0(nsim) :
es = np.random.normal(size=[nn+1, nsim])
xs = np.array([np.sqrt(rho)*es[0, :] + np.sqrt(1-rho)*e for e in es[1:, :]]).T
lgd = np.random.uniform(lgdl, lgdh, size=nsim)
pnls = np.sum(np.greater(norm.cdf(xs), p), 1)*lgd
return np.percentile(pnls, 99.9), pnls
tic = time.clock()
ircs0 = [(irc0(nsim))[0] for i in range(b)]
t0 = time.clock() - tic
df = pd.DataFrame([nsim, np.mean(ircs0), np.std(ircs0)/np.mean(ircs0), t0/b], index=['paths', 'value', 'rel error', 'run time(s)'],
fmt.displayDF(df.T, "3g", 4)
paths | value | rel error | run time(s) | |
IRC | 4e+04 | 5.03e+08 | 0.0429 | 0.392 |
A natural variable to shift is the market factor $\tilde m$, this effectively steers the sampling to those scenarios with a lot of defaults:
def irc1(nsim, d) :
es = np.random.normal(size=[nn+1, nsim])
xs = np.array([np.sqrt(rho)*(es[0, :] - d) + np.sqrt(1-rho)*e for e in es[1:, :]]).T
lgd = np.random.uniform(lgdl, lgdh, size=nsim)
pnls = np.sum(np.greater(norm.cdf(xs), p), 1)*lgd
ws = (np.exp(d*es[0, :]))/nsim
s_pnls, s_ws = zip(*sorted(zip(pnls, ws)))
cws = np.cumsum(s_ws/np.sum(s_ws))
return s_pnls[np.searchsorted(cws, .999)-1], cws, s_pnls
var1 = []
mean1 = []
ds = np.arange(-2.5, 0.1, .25)
for d in ds :
ircs = [(irc1(nsim, d))[0] for i in range(b)]
uo = -1.5
tic = time.clock()
ircs1 = [irc1(nsim, uo)[0] for i in range(b)]
t1 = time.clock() - tic
fig = figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(ds, var1, '.-')
xlabel('drift amount', fontsize=14)
title('Variance vs drift', fontsize=16);
ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax.text(0, .5, "With drift = -1.5:", size="xx-large")
ax.text(.1, .4, "Variance reduction ratio %.2f times" % (var1[-1]/min(var1)), size="xx-large");
ax.text(.1, .3, "IRC = %.4g, rel err= %.3g, for %d samples" % (np.mean(ircs1), np.std(ircs1)/np.mean(ircs1), nsim), size="xx-large")
ax.text(.1, .2, "Actual time saving is %.2f times" % (t0/t1*np.var(ircs0)/np.var(ircs1)), size="xx-large");
uo = -1.5
nsim = 200
_, pnl1 = irc0(nsim)
_, w2, pnl2 = irc1(nsim, uo)
pnl1 = sorted(pnl1)
w1 = np.arange(1, nsim + 1)*1./nsim
figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(np.transpose([w1, w2]), '.-');
title('CDF by sample', fontsize=18)
xlabel('Sample index', fontsize=16)
legend(['Straight MC', 'Importance Sampling'], loc='best')
subplot(1, 2, 2)
semilogy(pnl1, 1-w1, 'o-')
semilogy(pnl2, 1-w2, '.-')
axhline(1e-3, color='r')
title('100 Samples')
xlabel('PnL', fontsize=16)
title('1-CDF from 200 samples', fontsize=18)
legend(['Straight MC', 'Importance Sampling'], loc='best')
ylim(1e-5, 1);
The Gaussian copula is a simple static model,
What if our model involves a stochastic process?
Recall the change of measure for a standard normal RV $\tilde x$ in measure $\mathbb Q$:
$$ \small \mathbb E^{\mathbb Q} [f(\tilde x)] = \intf f(x) \phi(x) dx = \intf f(x) \frac{\phi(x)}{\phi(x-d)}\phi(x-d) dx = \mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[f(\tilde x) \frac{d \mathbb{Q}}{d \mathbb {P}}] $$$$ \small \frac{d \mathbb{Q}}{d \mathbb {P}} = \frac{\phi(x)}{\phi(x-d)} = \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2}\left(x^2 - (x-d)^2\right)\right) = \exp(-xd + \frac{1}{2}d^2) $$We can also write $\tilde x = \tilde w + d$, where $\tilde w$ is standard normal in $\mathbb P$:
$$\small \mathbb E^{\mathbb Q} [f(\tilde x)] = \mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[f(\tilde x) \frac{d \mathbb{Q}}{d \mathbb {P}}] = \mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[f(\tilde w + d) \frac{d \mathbb{Q}}{d \mathbb {P}}] $$$$ \small \frac{d \mathbb{Q}}{d \mathbb {P}} = \frac{\phi(w+d)}{\phi(w)} = \exp(-wd - \frac{1}{2}d^2) $$These two expression are equivalent in representing importance sampling around $d$, this leads to something very important.
Given a 1-D Brownian $w^{\mathbb P}(t)$ in the $\mathbb P$ measure, and a drifted process $x(t)$:
$$ d x(t) = \theta(t) dt + d w^{\mathbb P} (t) $$The process: $$ m(t) = \exp\left(- \int_0^t \theta(s) d w^{\mathbb P}(s) - \frac{1}{2}\int_0^t \theta^2(s) \; ds \right)$$ is a martingale in $\mathbb P$: $\mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[m(t) | \mathcal{F}_s] = m(s) $, then:
when $\theta(t)$ is a constant: $m(t) = \frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P} = \exp\left(-\theta w^{\mathbb P}(t) - \frac{1}{2} \theta^2t \right) $.
#<img src= width=600 height=400>
def giranov_w(w, theta, t) :
return np.exp(-theta*w - .5*theta*theta*t)
ns = 5000
dt = .005
t = 1
ts = np.arange(dt, t+1e-6, dt)
d = -1.5
u = d*ts
e = np.random.normal(size=[ns, len(ts)])*sqrt(dt)
w = np.cumsum(e, 1)
wd = w + u
# the radon-nikodym derivative
mt = giranov_w(w[:,-1], d, t)
mt = mt/sum(mt)*ns # it is more accurate to force R-N sum up to 1
thr = -2
# use log scaled color scheme to bring out low prob
wgs = np.log(1./ns/mt) # inverse, darker color for bigger prob weights
wgs = wgs - np.min(wgs)
wgs = wgs/np.max(wgs)
wgs = wgs # adjust the dynamic range
bc = np.array([1, 1, .5])
fig = figure(figsize=[14, 4])
ni = np.array(list(range(20)) + [mt.argmin(), mt.argmax()])
lw = 1.5
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
plot(ts, w[ni].T, c= bc*np.mean(wgs), label=None);
plot(ts, np.mean(w, 0), lw=lw, c='g', label='mean in Q')
plot(ts, np.var(w, 0), lw=lw, c='b', label='var in Q')
ax1.axhline(thr, c='r', lw=lw, label='barrier')
ylim(-4, 2)
xlabel('Time (t)', fontsize=14)
title('$w^Q(t)$ in $Q$', fontsize=16)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
for w1, gs in zip(wd[ni], wgs[ni]) :
plot(ts, w1, c=bc*gs, label=None);
plot(ts,, lw=lw, c='g', label='mean in Q')
plot(ts,*wd)/ns, lw=lw, c='b', label='var in Q')
ax2.axhline(thr, c='r', lw=lw, label='barrier');
ylim(-4, 3)
xlabel('Time (t)', fontsize=14)
title(r'$x(t) = w^P(t) - \theta t$ in $P$', fontsize=16);
Given a $\mathbb P$ Brownian motion $w^{\mathbb P}(s)$, we try to find a $\mathbb Q$ under which:
We can compute the $\frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P}$ directly from normal PDFs as:
$$ \small \frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P} = \phi(\frac{w^{\mathbb P}(s)}{\sqrt s} + \theta \sqrt s)/\phi(\frac{w^{\mathbb P}(s)}{\sqrt s}) = \exp(-\theta w^{\mathbb P}(s) - \frac{1}{2} \theta^2 s) = m(s) $$Using $m(s)$ is a $\mathbb P$ martingale:
$$ \small \mathbb E^{\mathbb Q}[x(s)] = \mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[x(s) m(s)] =\mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[x(s) \mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[m(t) | \mathcal{F}_s]] = \mathbb E^{\mathbb P}[x(s) m(t)] $$therefore under $\mathbb Q$ defined by $\frac{d \mathbb Q}{d \mathbb P} = m(t)$:
Girsanov theorem is easily extendible to independent multi-D Brownians:
$$\begin{array}{l} \small & \int f(x_1, \cdots, x_n) p(x_1, \cdots, x_n) d x_1 \cdots d x_n \\ &= \int f(x_1, \cdots, x_n) p_1(x_1) \cdots p_n(x_n) d x_1 \cdots d x_n \\ &= \int \left(\int f\left(x_1, \cdots, x_n\right) p_1(x_1) dx_1\right) p_2(x_2) dx_2 \cdots p_n(x_n) d x_n \end{array}$$Transform to independent Brownians first:
$$d \bs w(t) = M d \bs z(t)$$Cholesky decomposition: $M = L$
PCA analysis (EVD): $M = RE$
Stephen Sondheim: art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos.
# need to do "pip install sobol_seq"
from sobol_seq import i4_sobol_generate
def sobol(dim, n, skip) :
s = i4_sobol_generate(dim, n+skip)
return s[skip:, :].T
Random sampling:
es = np.random.uniform(size=[2, 2000])
figure(figsize=[11, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
n = 200
title('%d random samples' % n, fontsize=16)
plot(es[0,:n], es[1, :n], '.')
subplot(1, 2, 2)
n = 2000
title('%d random samples' % n, fontsize=16)
plot(es[0,:n], es[1, :n], '.');
Low discrepency sequence (LDS) places samples in a methodical and deterministic fashion:
There are many types of low discrepency sequence:
MC with low discrepency sequence:
#from sobol_lib import i4_sobol_generate as sobol
x = sobol(2, 5000, 0)
figure(figsize=[11, 8])
subplot(2, 2, 1)
m = 256
plot(es[0, :m], es[1, :m], '.')
title('%d random samples' % m)
subplot(2, 2, 2)
plot(x[0, :m], x[1, :m], '.')
title('%d Sobol sequence' % m)
subplot(2, 2, 3)
m = 2048
plot(es[0, :m], es[1, :m], '.')
title('%d random samples' % m)
subplot(2, 2, 4)
plot(x[0, :m], x[1, :m], '.')
title('%d Sobol sequence' % m);
LDS gives exellent convergence for low to medium number of dimensions:
LDS does not work well for very high dimensionalities:
x = sobol(40, 500, 0)
figure(figsize=[11, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(x[8, :], x[9, :], '.')
xlabel('Dimension 9')
ylabel('Dimension 10')
title('Sobol sequence: dimension 9 vs 10')
subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot(x[5,:], x[37, :], '.')
xlabel('Dimension 5')
ylabel('Dimension 37')
title('Sobol sequence: dimension 5 vs 37');
LDS is dimension specific,
If we draw 512 numbers from 1-D Sobol sequence, then split them into two groups to cover a two dimensions grid:
x = sobol(1, 512, 0)[0]
figure(figsize=[11, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(x[:256], x[256:], '.')
xlabel('First half')
ylabel('Second half')
title('First half vs second half')
subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot(x[::2], x[1::2], '.')
xlabel('Odd samples')
ylabel('Even samples')
title('Odd vs Even');
Given a LDS sequence $\hat {\bs d}$, $\Phi^{-1}(\hat {\bs d})$ could be used as the normal increments to construct Brownian motions:
In the Asian option example,
p = 2**15
n = 12
b = 20
es = np.random.normal(size=[p, n])
tic = time.clock()
u0, e0 = mc0(p0, es)
t0 = time.clock() - tic
uss = []
u_lds = sobol(n, b*p, 0)
tic = time.clock()
for i in range(b) :
lds = norm.ppf(u_lds[:, i*p:(i+1)*p]).T
u1, _ = mc0(p, lds)
t1 = time.clock() - tic
vf = e0*e0/np.var(uss)
df = pd.DataFrame([[p, u0, e0, t0], [p, np.mean(uss), np.std(uss), t1/b]],
index=['PRS', 'LDS'], columns=['Paths', 'Price', 'Error (Std)', 'Time(s)'])
fmt.displayDF(df, "4g", 4)
Paths | Price | Error (Std) | Time(s) | |
PRS | 32768 | 1.639 | 0.007318 | 0.009796 |
LDS | 32768 | 1.637 | 0.0009927 | 0.05028 |
Often in practice, we run into problems with more dimensions than 30,
A useful technique is to use LDS at only at a few key tenors, then use Brownian Bridge to fill in the gaps.
ubs = []
lds_bb = norm.ppf(np.array(sobol(1, b*p, 0)[0])+1e-10)*sqrt(n)
tic = time.clock()
for i in range(b) :
es = np.random.normal(size=[p, n])
es_u = np.sum(es, 1)
d = (lds_bb[i*p:(i+1)*p] - es_u)/n
es_bb = (es.T + d).T
ubb, ebb = mc0(p, es_bb)
t2 = time.clock() - tic
vf = e0*e0/np.var(ubs)
df = pd.DataFrame([[p, u0, e0, t0], [p, np.mean(ubs), np.std(ubs), t2/b]],
index=['PRS', 'LDS with BB'], columns=['Paths', 'Price', 'Error (Std)', 'Time(s)'])
fmt.displayDF(df, "4g", 4)
Paths | Price | Error (Std) | Time(s) | |
PRS | 32768 | 1.639 | 0.007318 | 0.009796 |
LDS with BB | 32768 | 1.636 | 0.005965 | 0.02702 |
Shift and scale the random samples so that they have the desired moments.
x = np.random.normal(size = 1000)
u = np.mean(x)
vol = np.std(x)
y = (x-u)/vol
figure(figsize=[12, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
hist(x, 50);
text(-3.5, 50, '$\\mu_x=%.4g$' % np.mean(x), size='x-large');
text(-3.5, 45, '$\\sigma_x=%.4g$' % np.std(x), size='x-large');
title('Random normal samples $\\hat x$', fontsize=16)
subplot(1, 2, 2)
hist(x, 50)
text(-3.5, 50, '$\\mu_y=0$', size='x-large');
text(-3.5, 45, '$\\sigma_y=1$', size='x-large');
title('Moment matched samples $\\hat y = \\frac{\\hat x - \\mu}{\\sigma_x}$', fontsize=16);
Stratification is essentially bucketing, in order to better capture the true distribution,
Consider drawing uniform random numbers in 1-D:
Stratification is similar to LDS in spirit, but:
def stratify(u, bs, shuffle) :
b = len(bs)
r = len(u)//b + 1
sb = []
for i in range(r) :
if shuffle :
sb = sb + bs.tolist()
return [1.*(i + x)/b for x, i in zip(u, sb)]
bs = np.arange(1000)
n = 2000
u = np.random.uniform(size=n)
v = stratify(u, bs, False)
figure(figsize=[11, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
title('%d random samples' % n, fontsize=16)
x = norm.ppf(u)
hist(x, 100);
text(-3.5, 50, '$\\mu=%.4f$' % np.mean(x), size='x-large');
text(-3.5, 45, '$\\sigma=%.4f$' % np.std(x), size='x-large');
subplot(1, 2, 2)
title('%d stratefied samples' % n, fontsize=16)
y = norm.ppf(v)
hist(y, 100);
text(-3.5, 50, '$\\mu=%.4f$' % np.mean(y), size='x-large');
text(-3.5, 45, '$\\sigma=%.4f$' % np.std(y), size='x-large');
Important: Different methods do not mix well.
Do not abuse methods that are easy to implement, such as antithetic variate and LDS:
Methods | Effectiveness | Generality | Batching? | Implementation | Best for |
Antithetic Variate | low | high | no | easy | linearish payoffs |
Control Variate | very high | low | no | hard | has vanila proxy |
Importance Sampling | high | low | yes | hard | rare events |
Low Discrepency Sequence | vary | high | yes | easy | low dimensionality |
Moment Matching | low | high | yes | easy | ?? |
Stratified Sampling | vary | low | yes | easy | low dimensionality |
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