Lecture 13: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations


  • I. More on the stability of FDM for Black-Scholes
  • II. Multi spatial variables: ADI method
  • III. Numerical examples

I. More on the stability of FDM for Black-Scholes:

  • When $r \neq 0$:

\begin{aligned} e^{a\triangle t} & = \left\{ \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2 x_j^2 \frac{\triangle t}{\triangle x^2} - r x_j \frac{\triangle t}{2\triangle x} \right\} e^{-il_m\triangle x} \\ & + \left\{ 1 - \sigma^2 x_j^2 \frac{\triangle t}{\triangle x^2} -r \triangle t \right\} \\ & + \left\{ \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2 x_j^2 \frac{\triangle t}{\triangle x^2} + r x_j \frac{\triangle t}{2\triangle x} \right\} e^{il_m\triangle x} \end{aligned}

  • which is

$$ e^{a\triangle t} = 1 - r\triangle t + \sigma^2 x_j^2 \frac{\triangle t}{\triangle x^2} \cdot 2\sin^2(l_m\triangle x/2) + i\; r x_j \frac{\triangle t}{\triangle x} \sin(l_m\triangle x) $$

  • To satisfy $ |e^{a\triangle t}| < 1 $, we require

\begin{aligned} \renewcommand{PDut}{\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}} \renewcommand{PDux}{\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}} \renewcommand{PDutt}{\frac{\partial ^2u}{\partial t^2}} \renewcommand{PDuxx}{\frac{\partial ^2u}{\partial x^2}} \renewcommand{FDut}{\frac{u_{i,k+1}-u_{i,k}}{\triangle t}} \renewcommand{FDutb}{\frac{u_{i,k}-u_{i,k-1}}{\triangle t}} \renewcommand{FDutc}{\frac{u_{i,k+1}-u_{i,k-1}}{2\triangle t}} \renewcommand{FDutt}{\frac{u_{i,k+1}-2u_{i,k}+u_{i,k-1}}{\triangle t^2}} \renewcommand{FDux}{\frac{u_{i+1,k}-u_{i,k}}{\triangle x}} \renewcommand{FDuxb}{\frac{u_{i,k}-u_{i-1,k}}{\triangle x}} \renewcommand{FDuxc}{\frac{u_{i+1,k}-u_{i-1,k}}{2\triangle x}} \renewcommand{FDuxx}{\frac{u_{i+1,k}-2u_{i,k}+u_{i-1,k}}{\triangle x^2}} & r >0, \\ & \triangle t < \frac{\triangle x^2}{ \sigma^2 x_{max}^2 }, \\ & \triangle t < \frac{ \sigma^2 }{r^2 }. \end{aligned}

  • The first condition is trivial (until the FED decrees all rates to be negative!)

  • The last condition does not have much impact in practice unless the volatility is very small.

  • So the important one is the second condition, which is what we went through last lecture.

II. The Case of more than one spatial variables

  • Most numerical methods, FDM included, suffer the "dimentionality" curse, i.e. the size, complexity of the problem grow exponentially with the dimension.
  • Usually, Monte Carlo method is the only practical option in dimension $\geq 3$.
  • But for two dimensional problems, it is worthwhile to explore the FDM further.
  • Finance examples that you will need many sptial variables: stochastic vol model, convertible bonds, credit risky bonds, variable annuities, etc.

Heston Stochastic Volatility Model

  • Heston Stochastic Vol Model

\begin{aligned} & dS_t = rS_t dt + \sqrt{\nu_t}S_t dW_t^1 \\ & d\nu_t = \kappa(\theta - \nu_t) + \xi\sqrt{\nu_t} dW_t^2 \\ & \hspace{0.2in} \left< dW_t^1, dW_t^2 \right> = \rho dt \end{aligned}

PDE for Heston Stochastic Vol Model:

\begin{aligned} \renewcommand{PDuS}{\frac{\partial u}{\partial S}} \renewcommand{PDuSS}{\frac{\partial ^2u}{\partial S^2}} \PDut &+ rS\PDuS+ (\kappa(\theta - \nu)-\lambda \nu )\frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} \\ & + \frac{1}{2}\nu S^2\PDuSS + \rho\xi\nu S\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial S\partial \nu} + \frac{1}{2}\xi^2\nu\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial \nu^2} - ru = 0 \end{aligned}

Alternating Direction Implicit Method

  • Write the Crank-Nicolson method as

\begin{aligned} \small \renewcommand{fD}{\mathfrak{D}} \FDut = & \frac{1}{4} \sigma^2 x_i^2 \left\{ \FDuxx + \frac{u_{i+1,k+1}-2u_{i,k+1}+u_{i-1,k+1}}{\triangle x^2} \right\} \\ & + \frac{1}{2} r x_i \left\{ \FDuxc + \frac{u_{i+1,k+1}-u_{i-1,k+1}}{2\triangle x} \right\} \\ & - \frac{1}{2} r \left\{ u_{i,k} + u_{i,k+1} \right\} \\ = & - \frac{1}{2} \mathfrak{D}\cdot ( u_{i,k} + u_{i,k+1} ) \end{aligned}

where $ \mathfrak{D}\cdot u_{i,k} $ can be considered as the Crank-Nicolson finite difference operator on $u_{i,k}$.

Crank-Nicolson in operator format

  • The Crank-Nicolson scheme can be denoted as

$$ (1 + \frac{1}{2}\triangle t\fD)\cdot u_{i,k+1} = (1 - \frac{1}{2}\triangle t\fD)\cdot u_{i,k} $$

  • This is also applicable when the spatial variable $x_i$ is a vector.

  • For the one spatial variable case, the operator $\fD$ involves three points in one time slice.

  • For two dimension case (the Heston model above), the operator will involve five points in one time slice.

  • So instead of solving a tridiagonal system, now the linear system has five nonzero diagonals, which is much more costly to solve.

Operator split

  • For the general $n$ spatial variables case, the way to ease the linear system solving (still can't get rid of the problem of the number of discretization points exploded!) is splitting the operator $\fD$:

\begin{aligned} (1 + \frac{1}{2}\triangle t\fD^1)\cdot \tilde{u}^1_{i,k+1} &= (1-\frac{1}{2}\triangle t\fD^1)\cdot u_{i,k} \\ (1 + \frac{1}{2}\triangle t\fD^2)\cdot \tilde{u}^2_{i,k+1} &= (1-\frac{1}{2}\triangle t\fD^2)\cdot \tilde{u}^1_{i,k} \\ \vdots \\ (1 + \frac{1}{2}\triangle t\fD^n)\cdot \tilde{u}^n_{i,k+1} &= (1-\frac{1}{2}\triangle t\fD^n)\cdot \tilde{u}^{n-1}_{i,k} \end{aligned}

and set

$$ u_{i+1,k} = \tilde{u}^n_{i,k} $$

  • Essentially, this says trying to solve the problem in a multistep aproach: each step is equivalent to the one dimensional Crank-Nicolson method.
  • This is merely the basic form, the strategy can be customized to further improve the efficiency (not all steps are implicit) or accuracy (high order)

III. Numerical Examples

  • Black Scholes formulae and FDM methods for vanilla European call and up-and-out Barrier Call.

Vanilla European Option:

  • Strike = 100
  • Risk Free Rate = 5%
  • Constant Volatility = 35%
  • Option Maturity = 1 year
  • Option Type = Call
In [62]:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
import time 

#Black and Scholes
def BlackScholesFormula(type, S0, K, r, sigma, T):
    dtmp1 = np.log(S0 / K)
    dtmp2 = 1.0/(sigma * np.sqrt(T))
    sigsq = 0.5 * sigma * sigma
    d1 =  dtmp2 * (dtmp1 + T * (r + sigsq))
    d2 =  dtmp2 * (dtmp1 + T * (r - sigsq))
    if type=="C":
        return S0 * norm.cdf(d1) - K * np.exp(-r * T) * norm.cdf(d2)
        return K * np.exp(-r * T) * stats.cdf(-d2) - S0 * norm.cdf(-d1)

K = 100.0
r = 0.05
sigma = 0.35
T = 1
putCall ='C'

Smin = 0.0
Smax = 200.0
ns = 201
Ss = np.linspace(Smin, Smax, ns, endpoint=True)
Ss = Ss[1:-1]
#print Ss

px = BlackScholesFormula(putCall, Ss, K, r, sigma, T)
#print("Elapsed Time:", elapsed)
#idx = 200-1
#print Ss[idx]
#print px[idx]

payoff = clip(Ss-K, 0.0, 1e600)
#print "payoff = ", payoff

figure(figsize=[10, 4])
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot(Ss, payoff)
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('Payoff' , fontsize=16);

subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot(Ss, px)
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('Analytical Solution' , fontsize=16);

Discretization parameters and results for the forward scheme

In [63]:
from scipy import sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as linsolve

class BS_FDM_explicit:
  def __init__(self, 
    self.r  = r 
    self.sigma = sigma 
    self.maturity  = maturity

    self.Smin = Smin     
    self.Smax = Smax
    self.Fl = Fl        
    self.Fu = Fu

    self.nt  = nt
    self.ns  = ns
    self.dt = float(maturity)/nt
    self.dx = float(Smax-Smin)/(ns+1)
    self.xs = Smin/self.dx

    self.u = empty((nt + 1, ns))
    self.u[0,:] = payoff

    ## Building Coefficient matrix:        
    A = sparse.lil_matrix((self.ns, self.ns))

    for j in range(0, self.ns):
      xd = j + 1 + self.xs
      sx = self.sigma * xd
      sxsq = sx * sx
      dtmp1 = self.dt * sxsq
      dtmp2 = self.dt * self.r
      A[j,j] = 1.0 - dtmp1 - dtmp2
      dtmp1 = 0.5 * dtmp1
      dtmp2 = 0.5 * dtmp2 * xd
      if j > 0:
        A[j,j-1] = dtmp1 - dtmp2
      if j < self.ns - 1:
        A[j,j+1] = dtmp1 + dtmp2

    self.A = A.tocsr()

    ### Building bc_coef:
    nxl = 1 + self.xs
    sxl = self.sigma * nxl
    nxu = self.ns + self.xs
    sxu = self.sigma * nxu
    self.blcoef = 0.5 * self.dt * (sxl * sxl - self.r * nxl)
    self.bucoef = 0.5 * self.dt * (sxu * sxu + self.r * nxu)
  def solve(self):
    for i in range(0, m):
        self.u[i+1,:]          = self.A * self.u[i,:]
        self.u[i+1,0]         += self.blcoef * self.Fl[i]
        self.u[i+1,self.ns-1] += self.bucoef * self.Fu[i]

    return self.u

dx = (Smax - Smin)/(ns-1)
print("Smin = ", Smin)
print("Smax = ", Smax)
print("ns =", ns)
print("dx =", dx)
print("sigma =", sigma)
dt_max = dx*dx/(sigma*sigma*Smax*Smax)
print("by CFL, dt <", "%.4f"%dt_max)
mt_min = int(T/dt_max)+1
print("which requires in time domain the number of steps ~= ", mt_min)
Smin =  0.0
Smax =  200.0
ns = 201
dx = 1.0
sigma = 0.35
by CFL, dt < 0.0002
which requires in time domain the number of steps ~=  4900
In [64]:
n = ns-2
X = linspace(0.0, Smax, n+2)
X = X[1:-1]

payoff = clip(X-K, 0.0, 1e600)
#print "payoff = ", payoff
m = 4555 
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = Smax - K*exp(-r * linspace(0.0, T, m+1))
t = time.time()
bs1 = BS_FDM_explicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs1.solve()
print("Elapsed Time1:", elapsed)

##print  px_fd_mat.shape
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])

figure(figsize=[15, 4]);
subplot(1, 3, 1)
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m, fontsize=16);

m = 4560
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = Smax - K*exp(-r * linspace(0.0, T, m+1))

t = time.time()
bs2 = BS_FDM_explicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs2.solve()
print("Elapsed Time2:", elapsed)

subplot(1, 3, 2)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m, fontsize=16);

m = 4565
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = Smax - K*exp(-r * linspace(0.0, T, m+1))
t = time.time()
bs3 = BS_FDM_explicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs3.solve()
print("Elapsed Time3:", elapsed)

subplot(1, 3, 3)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f' % m, fontsize=16);
Elapsed Time1: 0.08452010154724121
Elapsed Time2: 0.0914926528930664
Elapsed Time3: 0.10445022583007812

Similar results for the up-and-out Barrier Option: with barrier set at S = 120

In [65]:
Smax = 120
n = ns-2
X = linspace(0.0, Smax, n+2)
X = X[1:-1]

payoff = clip(X-K, 0.0, 1e600)
#print "payoff = ", payoff
m = 4570
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = zeros((m+1,))
t = time.time()
bs1 = BS_FDM_explicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs1.solve()
print("Elapsed Time1:", elapsed)

##print  px_fd_mat.shape
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])

figure(figsize=[15, 4]);
subplot(1, 3, 1)
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m, fontsize=16);

m = 4573
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = zeros((m+1,))

t = time.time()
bs2 = BS_FDM_explicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs2.solve()
print("Elapsed Time2:", elapsed)

subplot(1, 3, 2)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m, fontsize=16);

m = 4580
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = zeros((m+1,))
t = time.time()
bs3 = BS_FDM_explicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs3.solve()
print("Elapsed Time3:", elapsed)

subplot(1, 3, 3)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f' % m, fontsize=16);
Elapsed Time1: 0.11014080047607422
Elapsed Time2: 0.09333300590515137
Elapsed Time3: 0.07322573661804199

Now examine the results for Implicit Scheme

In [66]:
from scipy import sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as linsolve

class BS_FDM_implicit:
  def __init__(self, 
    self.r  = r 
    self.sigma = sigma 
    self.maturity  = maturity

    self.Smin = Smin     
    self.Smax = Smax
    self.Fl = Fl        
    self.Fu = Fu

    self.nt  = nt
    self.ns  = ns
    self.dt = float(maturity)/nt
    self.dx = float(Smax-Smin)/(ns+1)
    self.xs = Smin/self.dx

    self.u = empty((nt + 1, ns))
    self.u[0,:] = payoff

    ## Building Coefficient matrix:        
    A = sparse.lil_matrix((self.ns, self.ns))

    for j in range(0, self.ns):
      xd = j + 1 + self.xs
      sx = self.sigma * xd
      sxsq = sx * sx
      dtmp1 = self.dt * sxsq
      dtmp2 = self.dt * self.r
      A[j,j] = 1.0 + dtmp1 + dtmp2
      dtmp1 = -0.5 * dtmp1
      dtmp2 = -0.5 * dtmp2 * xd
      if j > 0:
        A[j,j-1] = dtmp1 - dtmp2
      if j < self.ns - 1:
        A[j,j+1] = dtmp1 + dtmp2

    self.A = linsolve.splu(A)
    self.rhs = empty((self.ns, ))
    ### Building bc_coef:
    nxl = 1 + self.xs
    sxl = self.sigma * nxl
    nxu = self.ns + self.xs
    sxu = self.sigma * nxu
    self.blcoef = 0.5 * self.dt * (- sxl * sxl + self.r * nxl)
    self.bucoef = 0.5 * self.dt * (- sxu * sxu - self.r * nxu)    
  def solve(self):
    for i in range(0, m):
        self.rhs[:] = self.u[i,:]
        self.rhs[0]         -= self.blcoef * self.Fl[i]
        self.rhs[self.ns-1] -= self.bucoef * self.Fu[i]
        self.u[i+1,:] = self.A.solve(self.rhs)

    return self.u
In [67]:
Smax = 200
n = ns-2
X = linspace(0.0, Smax, n+2)
X = X[1:-1]

payoff = clip(X-K, 0.0, 1e600)
m = 4555 
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = Smax - K*exp(-r * linspace(0.0, T, m+1))
t = time.time()
bs1 = BS_FDM_implicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs1.solve()
print("Elapsed Time1:", elapsed)

#print  px_fd_mat.shape

figure(figsize=[15, 4]);
subplot(1, 3, 1)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m,  fontsize=16);

m = 1000
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = Smax - K*exp(-r * linspace(0.0, T, m+1))

t = time.time()
bs2 = BS_FDM_implicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs2.solve()
print("Elapsed Time2:", elapsed)

subplot(1, 3, 2)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m, fontsize=16);

m = 100
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = Smax - K*exp(-r * linspace(0.0, T, m+1))
t = time.time()
bs3 = BS_FDM_implicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs3.solve()
print("Elapsed Time3:", elapsed)

subplot(1, 3, 3)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m, fontsize=16);

Elapsed Time1: 0.1490767002105713
Elapsed Time2: 0.022979736328125
Elapsed Time3: 0.0020172595977783203
In [68]:
Smax = 120

n = ns-2
X = linspace(0.0, Smax, n+2)
X = X[1:-1]

payoff = clip(X-K, 0.0, 1e600)
m = 4555 
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = zeros((m+1,))
t = time.time()
bs1 = BS_FDM_implicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs1.solve()
print("Elapsed Time1:", elapsed)

#print  px_fd_mat.shape

figure(figsize=[15, 4]);
subplot(1, 3, 1)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m,  fontsize=16);

m = 1000
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = zeros((m+1,))

t = time.time()
bs2 = BS_FDM_implicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs2.solve()
print("Elapsed Time2:", elapsed)

subplot(1, 3, 2)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m, fontsize=16);

m = 100
Fl = zeros((m+1,))
Fu = zeros((m+1,))
t = time.time()
bs3 = BS_FDM_implicit(r, sigma, T, Smin, Smax, Fl, Fu, payoff, m, n)
px_fd_mat = bs3.solve()
print("Elapsed Time3:", elapsed)

subplot(1, 3, 3)
nrow = len(px_fd_mat[:,1])
plot(X, px_fd_mat[nrow-1,:])
xlabel('Stock', fontsize=14);
title('nt = %.f'%m, fontsize=16);

Elapsed Time1: 0.15494298934936523
Elapsed Time2: 0.031279802322387695
Elapsed Time3: 0.0


  • Implement the FDM for Black-Scholes PDE using the Crank-Nicolson Scheme and test your code using the same example here for both the vanilla European Call and the Up-and-out Barrier Call.